
Monday, April 4, 2016

The Rockland Report April 1, 2016

 I am always cautious about writing reports with the date April 1, in fear that
people will discredit the value of the report. This is a real weekly report and not an elaborate April Fools’ joke.
 I completed the road opening ordinance amendment draft for consideration by
the City Council. This draft could plausibly be accepted in the timeline intent of
the grid scale power generation facility moratorium. The road opening process in
the ordinance would be very valuable to the city. Our road opening process is
VERY weak right now.
 I continued work on the operating and capital budget for fiscal year 2017. On the agenda for the 4/4/16 meeting is a discussion about the deliberation process that the City Council will use to analyze the budget. I think we have developed a way for the City Council to deliberate the budget that gets to the best end goal. I look forward to further discussion.
 I met with IT vendors about the city’s network. This is part of the budget proposal for FY17. As the City Council knows, the network is very dated and fragmented. Security of information and continued operation need to be addressed. I think the meetings this week will lead to a technology plan that we can refine over the next few years.
 Doreen French, Assessor, is the project lead on implementing the new document management program for the city. She hosted a training session with the vendor explaining the capabilities of the program. It is very exciting to bring this type of technology into our organization. Document retrieval, storage, and retention will all get better while communication increases. Thank you Doreen for your leadership on this project.
 We met with Maine Municipal Association’s Worker’s Compensation manager. MMA is our administrator for worker’s comp claims. They reported that the city’s position on claims has improved drastically over the last year. Many cases are coming off our books and a few more will be repaired after continuous safety programs. Worker’s comp cases remain on the city’s report for three years affecting the insurance mod, and therefore, the premium.
 We met with Maine DEP regarding landfill closure. As stated before, DEP is working with the city on a closure agreement. This looks more likely to state that the city will close the CD&D landfill in 3-4 years, not create more landfills, and the city will be guaranteed DEP cooperation in the 75% reimbursement closure program. This is a great deal for the city but there is still a lot of work to do. We have another meeting scheduled to review the engineers’ projections in elevations and fill rates. Dave St. Laurent has been incredible with the DEP relationship. He really knows his trash and anticipates the requests of DEP. Thank you Dave for your leadership on this issue.
 I authorized the Finance Director to solicit bids on banking services. The city has $30 million worth of revenue flow through the finance office annually. The city can demand a better relationship with a bank for services. I expect bank bids to have better interest rates, lower fees, and better service options. We have some
great banks in the Rockland area.
 The City Council will consider an order delaying the execution of mooring
registration fees. The absence of a Harbormaster delayed the issuance of
reregistration reminders and many people will be late on renewals. I have
authorized staff to delay the penalty by 30 days but the City Council will have to
authorize that action.
 With this report is a memo regarding the 9 Burrows bid for city property. This is always a tough decision but I am requesting that the City Council authorize me to enter into an option agreement with the developer to continue this opportunity.
Since demolition of the existing building is a variable we have provided an
estimate of what we think the costs are. It is included with this report. Brownfields money will pay for other identification of environmental cleanup. We are investigating the possibility of repurposing the building on the transfer station property. Although the building is a deplorable Public Services garage, we may be able to modify it to do sand/salt storage purposes. Once again, David St. Laurent and his Public Services crew are making the best of everything.
 My report last week indicated that I’m inclined not to do spring clean-up this year. A few City Councilors asked to talk about that further. Considering budgets are tight and resources are scarce, I think that having discussions about service level priorities is great. For this conversation we have generated a cost analysis of the spring cleanup service. You’ll see it costs approximately $85,000 to perform this function and delays the repair of other infrastructure projects. Our roads and sidewalks need considerable attention and any resources would be welcome. When adding up spring/fall clean up, lining, sweeping, and trash pickup, a lot of valuable resources are spent before we fix one pothole or crumbling sidewalk. I look forward to the discussion.
 I saved the most important item for last on my report. Ginny Lindsey has
accepted the Finance position in the Town of Camden and has resigned
effective April 22, 2016. This is a great opportunity for Ginny but a big loss for
Rockland. I’m not sure how someone can become as valuable as Ginny did, for
the City of Rockland, in such a short amount of time. She performed several
years’ worth of finance work in months. The advancements she made in the
finance office will be felt for years. In a short amount of time, I have developed a
very strong admiration for her skills and abilities. I wish we could have retained
her. I made arrangements to appoint Wanda Harvey, Payroll Clerk, as the interim
Finance Director. Wanda is very prepared to perform these functions for the city.
I am certain that the city can maintain the strong finance improvements that
Ginny implemented with Wanda’s leadership, skills and knowledge. Good luck
Ginny. Thank you Wanda for your dedication to the City of Rockland.

 Met with a business to prepare a CDBG Economic Development Program
 Met with a manufacturing business in the industrial park to discuss a major
expansion. This meeting has underscored the lack of available land for industrial
development. I have been approached by 3 Rockland businesses (all involved in
various precision manufacturing activities) over the past few months who need to
expand or would like to do a development project in Rockland. Many are finding
it impossible to find suitable industrial land. For all intents and purposes the
industrial park is full so they must look at other areas in the City. However,
because options are limited many of these businesses are considering locating in
areas just outside of Rockland, though their first choice is to stay in the City. There are a number of options for addressing this shortage, one of which is outlined in a memo provided by the City Manager regarding 9 Burrows Street. Any of the options will require major policy discussions and decision making processes by the City Council.
 Continued to write the narrative for the budget. I would like to thank the
Department Heads for getting all their information to me to pull this together.
Everyone is making a very strong effort to use the budget process to better
articulate the public value of their services.
 I have been asked by the Midcoast Economic Development Committee
(MCEDD) to be a member of their Comprehensive Economic Development
Strategy (CEDS) Committee. Every year MCEDD prepares a regional economic
development strategy for the Midcoast with input from all the member
municipalities. This includes member municipalities submitting projects to be
prioritized by the CEDS Committee for federal funding. For example Rockland’s
submission was for upgrades to the municipal fish pier. All the projects are
reviewed by the CEDS Committee and ranked according to how well they align
with the economic development goals and priorities across the region. Being
considered a high priority project in your region’s CEDS can be very important in securing certain types of federal funding. I have spent time this week reviewing
CEDS project submissions from across the Midcoast region. Over the next few
weeks I will be meeting with the rest of the committee to rank these applications.
 I have been working on developing a crowd funding campaign for Harbor Trail, specifically to raise money for the construction of a bridge over Lindsey Brook at Lermond Cove and to build the trail on the North side of the brook to connect with Ferry Terminal Park. Depending on input from the Harbor Trail Committee this campaign may be broadened to include raising money for signage and the construction of other segments of the trail.
 I have been researching potential grant opportunities, in particular USDA Rural Development “Rural Business Development Grant” and “Community Facilities Direct Grants”. Though we have ample projects that need funding our projects are often not a great fit for these programs in terms of the amount of funding we need or the nature of the projects themselves. These grant programs are often very competitive so it is important to have a strong project that fits in the parameters of the funding program before applying.

 Another week has come and gone.
 Budget preparation is still much of my focus. Reviews, additions, changes – the budget has kept me extremely busy. This week I put together information on the city’s TIF districts. This is important information, as many people are not aware of the benefits of a TIF – tax increment financing - and aren’t sure how they work. Putting this type of information into the budget keeps the issue of the TIF in the forefront; and helps better manage the TIFs. The TIFs in the city are the Tillson TIF, also known as the “Downtown” TIF, and the Fisher TIF. The captured value and subsequent taxes procured from these TIF districts have benefited the city’s infrastructure and local business.
 Also this week, the auditors worked on finalizing the city’s audit. The federal
government requires that the Single Audit, which is required for any municipality that receives more than $500,000 in federal funds annually, be filed with the federal government no later than March 31 following the year that is audited. That date came on Thursday of this week. The auditor worked late into the night to get the single audit filed; as finance director for the city I had to log into the government’s website from home to complete the audit certification – as required by the federal government. We still do not have an actual audit in hand; but we have some preliminary results, of which will be shared at a later date once the audit is in hand.
 Yesterday, too, the city manager and I met with a company called Systems
Engineering from Portland. Technicians from SE had done an examination of the
city hall computer network system. SE provided the city manager with detailed
information on the current status of the network; what it would take to bring it up
to date; what the cost would be for new equipment; and on-going maintenance
of the network system. This too will be discussed in further detail during the budget deliberations with the city council. More to come.
 Wanda and Laurie received training on the new document management system
earlier this week. Once documents are saved to the system they can be
accessed by other users, depending on user access considerations. This will save
time from having to create multiple files throughout city offices; will mean less
duplication; less usage of paper; and is a smarter way to make sure that everyone
has access to the same information. This system is just getting underway, but will
become more valuable over time.
 It is now the end of the month and the beginning of a new month. Next week’s
report will include the third quarter budget report.

Over the preceding week, in addition to the response to 41 Fire and EMS calls,
conducting apparatus checks, daily cleaning, routine repairs and maintenance to
the fleet and of the quarters, the following occurred:
 Bi weekly FD staff meeting Friday morning.
 Saturday we held the first of our annual refresher training classes. This was
mandatory for all personnel so we can ensure we properly cover all the DOL
required annual updates. Our Bloodborne/Airborne Exposure Control Plan,
Respiratory Protection Plan, Fire Extinguisher training (yep, us too, every year!) and Fireground Accountability plan were all reviewed. Additionally all personnel had updated fit tests for SCBA and N95 masks and conducted a personal protective gear inspection.
 CEO Root and I conducted a full inspection of the 666 Main St. building as many
issues were noted at the fire the week before. We will be working with the owner
and his contractor to ensure any issues are addressed going forward.
 John Root and I also met with the State Electrical Inspector regarding fire alarm upgrades at a local business.
 A/C Mazzeo and I attended the Treeno Digital Filing System training Wednesday morning.
 Inspection of Eclipse with ACEO Bill Butler.
 John and I, and the Dep. Fire Chief of Thomaston met with the engineer working on the RSU 13 upgrade plans to discuss any current issues we felt needed to be addressed and any future Code/Life Safety opportunities that might be realized as they move forward.
 C Shift responded to a small fire in the Landings marina floats along Commercial Street early Thursday morning. It appears the fire was set, and Det. Neal of RPD is investigating further leads. The damage was very limited and the fire was nearly out upon discovery.
 Discussed a fire alarm system issue with representatives of Boston Financial
Thursday afternoon.
 Finalized all Fire & EMS department employee evaluations this week.

 Late last week we received the very sad news that Children’s librarian Jean
Young’s husband passed away. The entire staff mourn the loss of this lovely man.
 I attended a meeting of the Library Advisory Committee.
 Keith Drago hosted the Monday evening Drop-in Tech Help. The highest number of requests for help involve tablets, with laptops being the next most popular issue.
 Catinka Knoth’s Adult and Children’s Art Classes concentrated on the circus— animals, clowns, and acrobats this week.
 I’m proud to report, but so very sorry for the City’s loss, that Keith Drago was
offered and accepted the position of Deputy Director at the Rockport Public
 Kevin Bacon (no, not the actor) paid a site visit in advance of mandated
inspection of the sprinkler system.
 I submitted additional information to Audra Caler-Bell for the Budget narrative.
 Judith Andersen presented Wednesday Storytime this week; she read a number of old favorites. Among them were Pigeon Needs a Bath, That is NOT a Good idea, and a cute book about ordering eggs in a diner. Ms. Judy reports that the kids were a rapt audience and so much fun!
 Staff continue to book appointments for the annual AARP Tax Aide, free income tax filing assistance, from trained volunteers. Please share widely: we finally received 1040EZ forms from the IRS!
 Patty King and I attended the workshop on the digital cabinets, held at City Hall.
 Explore Art with Susan Beebe (via The Arts…for Kids & their Families @ the Rockland Public Library) had the final session in this popular series; participants created toy furniture.
 The Thursday evening Arts & Cultural Event was a Talk: Fannie Hardy Eckstorm (1865-1946) and Maine’s Native People. Pauleena McDowell, director of the Maine Folklife Center spoke of this Maine historic figure. Fanny Hardy Eckstorm wrote a number of articles and books about Maine’s Native Americans. She took a more balanced view than was common during this period, and presented Native Americans as real people.
 Friday opened Poetry Month Rockland. Jessie Blanchard and Mary Jane Martin have many wonderful events and activities planned throughout the month; please be sure to check some (or all) out.
 Patty King participated in the monthly radio show, Love My Library, on WRFR, where she spoke about the upcoming programs and other wonderful events taking place in April.
 On Saturday, Keith presented a Technology Workshop on downloading eBooks form the Maine State Download Library.
 Please note: there will be a delayed opening on Monday, April 4, in order that all
staff are able to attend the funeral service of Roger Young.
 Reminder: Jessie Blanchard and Keith initiated a bookmark contest for children and teens to celebrate National Library Week. Bookmarks will be accepted through Saturday April 9th. Library patrons will vote on their favorite bookmark during National Library Week, which is April 11-16. The winning bookmark will be printed and given out here at the library! Pick up a form at the library or •click here to print one out from home!

 Fabricated replacement pump guides for the Industrial Park pump station.
 Completed P.M. service on the hydraulic pump for the #1 belt filter press.
 Repaired the ventilation fans for the underground pump room at the Park St.
pump station.
 Made weekly rounds for testing and inspection of the ten pump stations.
 Lubricated the influent bar screen.
 Completed P.M. service on the belt press feed pump #3.
 Green Mountain Pipeline Services arrived this week to begin cleaning and repairsto the 24 inch sewer interceptor that runs through Harbor Park and Police Plaza.
They will use an epoxy injection system to test and seal the joints in the old
concrete pipe. Through the inspection of the city sewer system it was discovered
that this pipe has a massive amount of sea water leaking into it through failed and
leaking joints. This system will seal the pipe without excavation and save thousands of dollars over the cost of installing a new line.
 Inspected and repaired sewer lateral along Beech Street.
 Responded to a Dig-Safe request on Center St. for Maine Water to repair a leakingwater service.
 Met with a homeowner on Talbot Ave. to discuss their plans to install a new sewer lateral.
 Dig-Safe for Time Warner cable at 400 Old County Road.
 Contacted the owner of a property on Ocean St. to arrange access to the
property for dye testing of the sewer. This is part of the ongoing investigation into the source of sewerage found in a storm drain system on Water Street.
 Composite samples monitored during the week: Municipal Influent, Aeration Basin Influent, Secondary Effluent, FMC Effluent, CSO Influent, CSO Effluent.
 The following tests were performed on the above composite samples throughout the week: 34 TSS tests, 24 BOD tests, 10 Nitrate tests, 5 Nitrite tests, 5 Ammonia tests, 5 COD tests, 5 Settleable Solids tests
 Grab samples monitored during the week: Aeration Basins, Municipal Influent, Primary Effluent, Secondary Effluent
 The following tests were performed on the above grab samples throughout the
week: 26 TSS tests, 25 VSS tests, 5 Phosphorous tests, 5 Microscopic evaluations, 18 Settleable Solids tests, 18 pH tests, 17 conductivity tests
 A CSO event ended Saturday March 26 and another event occurred on March
 Average flows through secondary treatment were 3.4MGD
 Maximum flow through CSO structure was 6.2MG.

 No permits were issued this week.
 The Harbormaster and I went over administrative paper work and walked the Fish Pier so he can get an idea of how the operations work. We plan on getting
together again to follow up on many questions of operations.
 Submitted user electric bill to the Finance Department for payment.
 Completed peer performance evaluations.
 Fox Island Lobster had O’Hara Corporation remove all pallets that were piled up at their hoist from when O’Hara had delivered bait.
 The price per pound for lobster is still $5.20 per pound.

 Bill attended GIS training on Tuesday. On Wednesday, he attended a Maine
Code Enforcement Officer Association meeting in Thomaston. Then on Friday, he took Code Enforcement Officer Certification tests with the State of Maine on
Radon and International Residential Code. He is happy to report that he passed
his tests last week!
 We performed 13 annual license inspections this week for Victualers and Second- Hand Dealers throughout the City.
 I attended the Planning Board meeting on Tuesday evening. This was a
continuation of the discussion on Grid Scale Power Plants.
 The Public Services Director and I went through the house and property at 9
Rockland Street on Tuesday to come up with a plan on how to begin cleaning up
the property. I met with a Dept. of Environmental Protection Asbestos Official to
survey the house and we determined that in addition to three sides of the 2 ½
story home there were several rooms on the 2nd floor that had loose laid linoleum floor covering and ceiling tiles in the kitchen that might also contain asbestos. It was determined to be more practical to add these to the demolition debris containing asbestos as opposed to having it tested. I scheduled to meet with two Abatement Companies during the week of the 3rd to provide estimates for asbestos abatement.
 The Fire Chief and I inspected 666 Main Street where a unit was destroyed by fire a little over a week ago. Other than the burned out unit, potentially unsafe decks and exit stairs on the rear of the building, and the need for paint on the exterior, the dwelling units had very few violations and were in pretty good shape.
 The Assistant City Manager and I met with an Industrial Park business owner in an effort to assist him with finding a property on which he can build a larger building as his business continues to grow rapidly.
 The Fire Chief and I met with a State Electrical Inspector to look at the fire-alarm system at The Tradewinds and to discuss some of the wiring at The Navigator.
 I met with a plumber at the former Brown Bag to determine how plumbing can be rearranged to suit a new business.
 I assisted in updating our software with the company Vision for most of the day Wednesday. This is the program that both Code and Assessing utilize to manage property data, permits, photos, etc. I added the GIS software to the Harbor Master’s computer Thursday.
 The Fire Chief, a Thomaston Fire official and I met with an architect to discuss code issues with regards to future alterations at the Middle School, High School, and one of the Thomaston schools.
 The Fire Chief and I reviewed plans for finishing out office space on the 3rd and 4th floors of Breakwater Marketplace.
 Bill, Roxy, and I attended the Comprehensive Planning Commission meeting on Thursday evening.
 Roxy attended an informational session with Treeno on the upcoming electronic filing system and works to identify the virtual cabinets and folders we will be setting
up for the Code Department to store property and permit data.
 There were five complaints filed this week one regarding excessive garbage and or junk on the property, two regarding unsafe or uninhabitable dwellings, and two regarding unpermitted fabric structures. Bill continues to follow up and work on complaint issues within the City.
 One complaint follow-up this week of 29 Broad St resulted in Safeguard Properties stating they are making a high priority of cleaning up the lot and this information was conveyed to the Complainant.
 A building permit was issued for a new single-family dwelling at 83 Crescent Street and a building permit was issued for an 80’ x 100’ storage facility at 35 Farwell Drive.
 Bill and I continue to be busy with various other permits and inspections.
 The following permits were issued by the Code Office this week:
o 6 Building Permits
o 2 Plumbing Permits
o 4 Electrical Permits
o 1 Sign Permit
o 1 Street Excavation Permit

Officers responded to 204 calls for service. Rockland Police Officers responded to 3 motor vehicle crashes and 8 animal complaints. Forty-nine (49) traffic stops and traffic violations were conducted. Officers charged or made arrests of 10 individuals for various offenses, to include Protection from abuse violations, Traffic offenses, Drug
offenses, Bail violations, Warrants of Arrest, OUI and probation violations.
 Officer Gaylor was awarded the Officer/Employee of the Year for the Rockland Police Department this past week. Congratulations Alex on a job well done.
 Sergeant Finnegan and other members of Maine’s DRE candidate board
reviewed applications from officers to attend the IACP’s Impaired Driving
Conference, in Denver, Colorado; the board selected two applicants.
 Officer John Bagley and D/C Chris Young met with a uniform distributor to
evaluate dress uniform options for the Department.
 Officers continued conducting bail checks, probation checks, and radar
enforcement, as time and call volume permitted.
 The Department was awarded a $1000 grant from the Maine Department of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to conduct ATV enforcement. The Department utilizes a Yamaha ATV on its patrols, which was seized as proceeds from drug trafficking.
 Officer Redden has been selected as the newest member of the Department’s
Policy Review Committee. Off. Redden will be representing the Patrol Division on this committee.
 Met with Sgt. Finnegan to discuss new grant opportunities and potential training opportunities for senior officers.
 Detectives conducted Sex Offender Compliance Checks.
 Officers assisted the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency w/ ongoing drug
 Detectives assisted the Bangor Police Department with a Forgery investigation.
 Continued to work on criminal investigations within the division.
 Detectives conducted outreach training to city property managers with resources for screening potential tenants.
 Officers assisted the Department of Health and Human Services by checking on people that are involved in open DHHS investigations.
 Sgt. Smith and Off. Smith participated in the elementary school Easter egg hunt.
 Officers conducted nightly checks of the public restrooms.
 Officers conducted targeted traffic enforcement at several locations throughout
the city, including school zones and Main Street.
 Officers conducted bail and probation compliance checks throughout the city.
 Officers conducted school visits at all schools in Rockland. Officers engaged with
children and school staff and addressed any issues they may be dealing with.

 Continued work on the floating piers.
 Contacted Coast Guard Belfast to go over Facility Safety Plan and inspection
 John Root is working to install the GIS mapping system for moorings on the
 Met with Landmark Corp to talk about the public landing project.
 Processing applications for park rentals and vendors.
 Mooring maintenance and inspection will commence this weekend.
 Solicitation for dock stewards went out, applications due by the 18th of April.
 Touched base with ships scheduled for Rockland.
 Just a reminder, mooring permits due 15 April.

 The digital cloud project was very time consuming this week. As project manager,
I had several meetings and training with the vendor in addition to an hour training for our management team and staff. Also had a meeting with the city attorney and the vendor about his file structure.
 Also attended a two hour training with EMA regarding GIS. It was a great meeting and helps me to be able to talk GIS with other communities; learn how and why it is set up the way it is and how to use our GIS in a more effective way.
 Tuesday afternoon my computer was replaced and I was without for a few hours. Vision software was updated on Wednesday and that took most of the day so I was without access but our CAI database on the Assessing website worked great for access to property cards so I could at least look at data I needed.
 Worked on the budget narrative asking questions of Dennis to show last year’s
information and going forward our accomplishments and goals.
 Exemptions, Exemptions: Answered several homestead and veteran’s exemption questions from tax payers. I met with two charitable and benevolent
organizations regarding their applications for exemption.
 I have received many calls and drop ins about property assessments. I am happy to speak to taxpayers. Please call ahead and make an appointment--as I may be out in Rockland. I don’t want to miss you.
 This week I will again be out in the field taking pictures of permitted changes to properties and visiting homes of taxpayers who have questions about their
 Called the architect and builder to collect data for a new net zero home to be
built to give buyer an idea of what their taxes would be. Met with a home
occupation owner about what they need to file for business personal property
and have spoken to several businesses of all sizes about their business personal
property declaration, why it is important and why they have to file the
declaration. Met with an Airbnb owner about why they have to file business
personal property and what to claim and several emails back and forth to
reinforce the information and that they are responsible for declaring.

 City Wide Street sweeping including the treatment plant. We are going to
experiment with using the brine applicator to use water to pre-wet the roads that
have significant amounts of sand to see if it helps with keeping down dust. We are
also trying to capitalize on sweeping when the roads are already wet.
 City wide trash pickup.
 Continued cross training on gatehouse operation.
 Litter and refuse collection at Transfer Station.
 Newly constructed picnic tables were stained and placed out at all the city parks in Rockland.
 Sidewalk street sweeping.
 Monthly landfill wastewater samples were taken and sent out for testing as part of pretreatment license.
 Cold patch city roads.
 Serviced D5M bulldozer.
 Serviced and stickered various other fleet vehicles.
 Fixed hydraulic cylinder on sidewalk broom.
 Landfill quarterly gas readings were conducted.
 Inspected 8 Rockland Street and secured building. Contacted Bolduc
Correctional Facility to obtain a work crew to assist with the pickup of the 8
Rockland Street property.
 Continued work on annual solid waste report.
 The infinisouce implementation survey has been completed we will now work on the programming of the time accounting system.
 Began RFP for lawn mowing.
 The MSW trucking RFP is being finalized.
 Met with DEP in Augusta to review the schedule of compliance and how it is tied to the 75% percent reimbursement of landfill closure. The meeting was very
productive and we will now review this year’s annual landfill report to further fine tune the exact closure date. The total landfill reimbursement funding program is estimating that it will take about eight years for total reimbursement.
 Reviewed City’s new Employee Handbook with various Public Services employees.
 The annual hourly employee evaluations are now completed.
 We have continued construction of the catch basin grit dewatering pad and
installed a settling tank and extra basin. We will firm up the pad next week after
the rain and pour cement.
 Provided cost breakdown memo regarding spring cleanup.
 Provided cost breakdown memo for demolition of Public Services Garage.
 Attended electric file management implementation meeting.
Old County Road Reconstruction
 Crooker Construction has mobilized most of the equipment that is going to be
used on the Old County Road Project. Materials have been delivered. Boom
stock has been put in place along Old County Road for erosion control. The road
project will officially begin Monday morning at 7:00 AM, the asphalt recycler will start on one lane of road beginning at the Thompson Meadow Road and head north toward Rankin Street this will be followed by the road cut and underdrain work.

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