
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Leonard R. Craig Gallery at UCCPA Opens Showing by Kenny Cole on September 13

Unity, Maine - Even Now the Reaper Draws His Wages, Works by Kenny Cole will be featured in the Leonard R. Craig Gallery at the Unity College Centre for the Performing Arts (UCCPA) through October 31st.
     An opening reception will be held on Friday, September 21st, from 5-7 p.m.  The reception is free and open to the general public.
     The UCCPA is located at 42 Depot Street (off Route 202) in Unity, Maine.
     The gallery is Open during UCCPA events and by appointment.
     For more information contact Ben Potter, Professor of Art / Curator of the Leonard R. Craig Gallery at (207) 948-9239, or e-mail
     Since 2006, Kenny Cole has been exploring issues of war and weaponry through various installations beginning with “Prison Papers”, a series of drawings on found prison record forms depicting weaponry from the world’s arsenal of missiles and bombs. Cole’s exploration continued in 2010 with his “Hellfire Story” installation, which chronicled the development and deployment of the Hellfire Missile System deployed for use with Reaper and Predator Drones.
     The title for Cole’s newest series, “Even Now the Reaper Draws His Wages,” is drawn from a Bible verse meant to imply that the wages drawn are the fruit of eternal life. Cole’s interpretation of the verse applies to the new and expanding robotic warfare industry, an industry currently enjoying a huge economic windfall. This installation, on display in the Leonard R. Craig Gallery at the Unity College Centre for the Performing Arts from September 13th-October 31st, will include prints, drawings, paintings and a two story wall drawing.
     Cole has been described as one of the most prolific artists currently working in Maine.  Exhibitions of his work stretch from Maine to Djibouti, including solo shows at Space Gallery in Portland and inclusion in both the 2010 and 2012 Center for Maine Contemporary Art Biennials.  Portland critic Nicholas Schroeder writes: “for work so unapologetically political, so dedicated to finding new ways of revealing dark secrets, there sure are a lot of pretty colors.”
  Built from a one hundred year-old barn with attached farmhouse, the Unity College Centre for the Performing Arts, is a vibrant cultural and arts centre that offers an eclectic mix of music, films, art, lectures, and other various events.  For more information about the art gallery visit
     Unity College is a small private college in rural Maine that provides dedicated, engaged students with a liberal arts education which emphasizes the environment and natural resources. Unity College graduates are prepared to be environmental stewards, effective leaders, and responsible citizens through active learning experiences within a supportive community.
    In 2011, Unity College was named to the top 30 of the Washington Monthly college rankings, and was one of eighteen U.S. colleges and universities named to The Princeton Review’s 2010 Green Rating Honor Roll.

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