
Friday, June 10, 2016

York Region Chamber of Commerce Announces Scholarship Winner

Derek Murphy accepts a $1,000 scholarship check from York Region Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Holly Roberts at the chamber visitor's center, on Tuesday, June 7. Standing in back from left are chamber board members Kevin Raymond; Rich Goodenough, Secretary; and Amanda Woods, Vice President. Derek's mother, Beth, is looking over Derek's shoulder on the right.
On Tuesday, June 7, the York Region Chamber of Commerce awarded its third annual scholarship to Derek Murphy, a 2016 graduate of York High School. The Chamber's Executive Director, Holly Roberts, presented Murphy with a check for $1,000; chamber board members were on hand to celebrate and congratulate Murphy.

The Chamber gives away a scholarship every year to a local student. The purpose of the scholarship program is twofold: to support local students to meet the financial obligations of a wide variety of post high school education opportunities and to develop skilled individuals to fill jobs in Maine. This year, students wrote an essay describing  what has happened in their community in the past year. Essay finalists were interviewed and the final selection was made by the scholarship committee.

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