
Friday, May 18, 2012

Heartwood Summer Camps Filling Up

2011 Heartwood Theater Summer Camp students
perform their own original piece of choreography.
Heartwood Summer Camps Filling Up

Damariscotta. Maine - Summer Camps are just around the corner and rosters are filling up, at Heartwood Theater Company.  Sessions run from June 26th through July 13th, for students entering 1st grade thru 12th grade.  Four camps will run concurrently in the Poe Theater at Lincoln Academy, Newcastle: Sprouts Camp (one week only), Fabulous Kids’ Camp (two weeks), Intensive Camp (three weeks), and a brand new Theater Tech Camp (one week).  Many instructors and guest artists – including Karen Montanaro, Alison Machaiek, Elise Voigt, Millie Santiago, Beverly Mann, and Griff Braley will be on site, working in a variety of focus areas: improv, mime, mask-making, movement, voice for actors, performance, and even a bit of directing for intensive camp students.  Hurry – enrollments are limited – register soon!  For full details, schedules and registration form, please visit our website at or call us at 563-1373.

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