
Monday, May 21, 2012



Local Farms - Local Food partners with Frontier to screen the unique photography of Roger Richmond

Brunswick, Maine - Delicate drops of dew on blades of grass, the monstrous eyes of a spider peeping out from a burrow, and the intricate network of veins in a decaying leaf all star in Roger Richmond's three dimensional photography. This unique screening of macro stereo imagery, complete with 3-D glasses, is sponsored by Local Farms - Local Food at Frontier in Brunswick on Tuesday, June 5th from 7 to 8 pm.

These minute natural places give a new meaning to 'local' and a new way to connect to the surrounding environment in which one lives, works, plays, and eats. Audience members will gain insight into the beauty and intricacies of growing processes that occur throughout the seasons in habitats right under their noses.

The evening also marks a 'Midweek Community Night' and Local Farms - Local Food will receive a portion of proceeds from all sales at Frontier. Come early for a meal and drink with friends and stay for the show!

Mr. Richmond has been a 3-D photographer for over 25 years, and has given hundreds of presentations to schools and organizations on art, architecture and nature. He is a registered architect, and holds a Master of Arts in Architecture Degree from the University of Florida and is a professor of Architecture in the program he created at the University of Maine at Augusta. Mr. Richmond lives in South Freeport, Maine with his wife Beverly.
The event costs $5 for members of the Kennebec Estuary and Brunswick Topsham Land Trusts and $10 for nonmembers. Tickets can be purchased online or at Frontier. Frontier is located at 14 Maine Street, Mill 3 Fort Andross in Brunswick.

Local Farms - Local Food is a collaboration between the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust and the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust to conserve farmland and promote local food. Local Farms - Local Food is generously supported by the Elmina B. Sewall Foundation.

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