
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Local Author receives Nod from New York Times Best Seller

South Berwick, ME –Jennifer Parker’s intent from the beginning was not to write a book, never mind publishing one.  Her intent was to cope with three of the most stressful life changes.  She began writing every day in September of 2010.  She created a facebook page and began to share about her day and what she could take from her struggle and turn it into something positive.  Her goal was to literally turn dark into light.  Friends began to comment on her postings, especially as they began to chronicle her personal trials and tribulations and her reactions to them in her life.  Friends then began to share her posts with their friends and without marketing efforts the facebook page quickly spread across the country and to readers in fifteen countries.
A Little Lift became known locally as the story of the woman in town who lost her business, her home, her marriage, and her father, yet refused to give up on life.  People, male and female, primarily ages 34-43 began to follow her journey.  Jennifer refused to hold back, she shared her raw emotions on her best and worst days with family, friends, acquaintances, and eventually strangers.  Followers of the facebook page began suggesting that A Little Lift be turned into a book, a series of books that individuals could pick up with their hands and mark pages that particularly struck a chord with themselves and their lives.
Just months ago, A Little Lift, was mentioned on Squire Rushnell’s personal facebook page.  Squire Rushnell, author of the NY Times best selling God Winks series, shared with more than 100,000 of his fans to take a look at A Little Lift.
“Jennifer Parker writes, reminding me of this quote from one of my books:

‘When someone’s lost, aimless, and adrift
Take the time, give ‘em a lift.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery
But today, you can be their gift’
From WGWY pg. 162

You can check out Jennifer Parker’s delightful book, “A Little Lift.” – Squire Rushnell
A Little Lift is now available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, hundreds of online retailers, as well as an eBook for Kindle.   Local stores have begun to carry A Little Lift, including The Village Boutique in Wells, Maine where author, Jennifer Parker, recently hosted a signing.   Parker is currently editing book two in the series of three, entitled A Little Lift – Writing to Learn.   Its release is targeted for December of this year.  In the meantime Parker continues to share daily on A Little Lift page on Facebook.

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