
Friday, May 18, 2012

The CREW participates in Wii tournament at The Rig

The CREW participates in Wii tournament at The Rig

Camden, Maine - Looking in the door of the Rig, the local youth run “hang out” in downtown Camden, this week you would have seen a circle of high school students and community members sitting around on couches, bean bags and even the floor. The CREW, the mentoring program at Camden Hills Regional High School, sat around having a rich discussion, answering questions ranging from “What meal would you have tonight if you could have anything” to “If you could ask three people a question with a guaranteed honest response, what would you ask and to whom?” The answers ranged from funny to serious.

 Things soon got a lot rowdier as the CREW broke up into two teams for a Wii tournament. It was The Destroyers vs. Team Wii Wii in bowling, boxing, archery, dancing, and sword fighting.  Much cheering, laughter and squeals of frustration were heard throughout. At the end, it didn’t even matter who won, the points were never even totaled, but one thing was certain: The CREW had an amazing time and gives special thanks to The Rig for graciously hosting this activity.

For more information about The Rig, contact Frannie at:
For more information on The CREW contact Brystle or Gretchen at: or

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