
Friday, May 18, 2012

Bay of Naples Bridge Celebration

Bay of Naples Bridge Celebration

Naples, Maine - Friday, May 18th marked the celebration of the opening of the new Bay of Naples Bridge in Naples. This concrete structure, with a walkway stretching underneath for pedestrians, is the culmination of nearly two years of dedication toward the Naples Causeway vision.

The day started at 1pm with remarks by Rep. Rich Cebra of Naples, MaineDOT Deputy Commissioner Bruce Van Note and chairman of the Causeway Restoration Committee, Robert Neault. They remarked on the dedicated cooperation of the state, town and contractors that were so vital in seeing the project become a reality.

"MaineDOT is proud to have been a key partner in achieving a great balance between the needs for efficient statewide travel and the need to promote local economic development and quality places," said MaineDOT Deputy Commissioner Bruce Van Note,"When we all work together, we can ensure that villages are not just a commuter route, but are places to visit, shop and stay, further helping to demonstrate once again, what it means to be in Maine."

This $9.2 million project replaces the 1954 "swing bridge" with a solid concrete structure. The steel reinforced arch, being 20 feet thick at its peak, features a 30 foot wide navigation channel especially designed for boat traffic. It also rises 10 feet higher than the old bridge.

The funds also allow for additional Causeway improvements, including a 15-foot wide boardwalk running along the Long Lake side of the bridge and the continued building of the seawall along the Brandy Pond side. $405,000, contributed by the town, helps with new tree planting and sidewalks that will enhance the experience for residents and tourists alike.

Representative Rich Cebra of Naples said, "This project is a shinning example of the local businesses, the town government and MaineDOT working together to vitalize the beautiful area around the Naples Causeway. As a resident of the area, I am extremely excited to be a part of this celebration today."

Bob Neault, chairman of the Causeway Restoration Committee added, "This occasion marks a truly Significant milestone in the history of this development project, the town of Naples and the Lakes Region as a whole. In addition to the incredible space that we are creating"in Naples, this effort should serve as a blueprint to other communities and demonstrates what can be accomplished when state and local governments come together with community and business leaders in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration to address issues that affect all of these diverse interests."

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