
Thursday, January 15, 2015

UMA Receives Anonymous Gift of Over $1 Million to 50th Anniversary Fund Campaign

Augusta, Maine - UMA President Glenn Cummings announced today that UMA has received a gift in excess of $1 million from an anonymous donor.

“We could not be more excited about this incredibly generous gift,” said Cummings. “It signals a strong confidence in UMA and an explicit recognition of the importance of our unique mission.”

The gift is part of the UMA’s 50th Anniversary Fund campaign, launched in conjunction with the school’s 50th anniversary in 2015. Monies raised during the campaign will be used for student scholarships, supporting veterans enrolled at UMA, strengthening the school’s online and distance education offerings, and renovating the auditorium.

“The donor sees our vital role in the lives of working Mainers and the high quality of our educational offerings, especially with UMA’s recent recognition by US News as offering one of the best online programs in the nation.  This donor would like to see other donors and foundations embrace UMA, ” added Cummings.

"With the $1 million gift, we are more than half way to our 50th Anniversary Fund goal of $5
million,” said Marge Medd, co-chair of the 50th Anniversary Fund campaign and a member of the University of Maine System Board of Trustees.  “Many individuals, businesses and foundations in the community and around the state have also contributed generously, and we are hoping many more will join in to help us reach our goal in the months ahead.”

“Our real goal, however, is much more than just a dollar figure,” Cummings added. “Our real goal is to support our students, many of whom are older and raising families, and where even small scholarships of just a few hundred dollars can make a huge difference in their success.”

Founded in 1965 by act of the Legislature, UMA today is the third largest public university in Maine. In addition to its main campus in the state’s capital, UMA also serves students at its campus in Bangor (UMA Bangor) and through University College centers around the state.  With its multiple locations and long-term expertise in online and distance learning, UMA is generally considered the university of choice for Mainers of all ages who want to attend college without uprooting their lives.

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