
Monday, December 17, 2012

The Rockland Report:December 9-15

 A Request for Proposals has been issued for financing the Summer Street sewer line replacement and storm water separation; Public Library chimney repairs; and acquisition of a sewer and storm water collection mobile imaging system. Bids are due Friday, January 11, 2013 at 2:00 PM.
 The contract to purchase a Diesel Utility Tractor for the Wastewater Treatment Facility has been issued to Union Farm Equipment at a cost of $13,704. The Utility Tractor was a WWTF CIP for FY 2012-2013.
 Attended a tour of Fisher Manufacturing facility on Tuesday and listened to presentation on Many Flags One Community concept.
 Attended Mid-Coast Managers meeting.
 We have closed applications for the Community Development Directors position and have scheduled interviews for next week. Initial review of the applications show a very qualified applicant pool, each with diverse and unique strengths to consider.
 We continue to work with the Harbor Trail Committee on marker locations. You will begin seeing signs placed at various spots throughout the trail. These are “sample signs” at tentative locations, so that the Trail Committee can review the sign location, size and height. Once they have been able to visually see the sample layout, they will provide a final opinion and city staff will complete the work of marking the trail.
 Promotion Review Board met and reviewed the promotion of John Dutcher to the position of Chief Mechanic and Maintenance Coordinator. This position became available when Ron Teele announced his retirement effective December 31, 2012. The board voted unanimously to approve John’s promotion and the Personnel Director has notified Mr. Dutcher that his promotion will be effective January 1, 2013.
 We received the Geotechnical report from Summit Geoengineering Services for site analysis of the proposed Public Works Garage at the Transfer Station site. A preliminary review suggests this site is suitable for development and we have scheduled a meeting with Gartley/Dorsky for further discussions next week.
 The temporary concession stand is set up and in use until we can get the rest of the game room completed.
 Basketball started on Thursday and we have a big day of games Saturday. If any Councilors are looking for something to do then please come on down and watch a game. Saturday games start at 9:00 AM and run until about 3:00 PM.
City Manager’s Weekly Report
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 Sign-ups for K-3 Basketball started this week and will run till the first of January. The programs will start the second week of January because of the Holiday.
In addition to responding to 221 calls for services this past week and making 22 arrests; summons were made for various offenses, including theft, violation of conditions of release, traffic offenses and warrants. Officers issued summons for 15 traffic offenses. Officers handled seven traffic crashes. Along with other duties and shift assignments, members of the police department were involved in the following highlights this past week:
 Chief Boucher and Deputy Chief Tower met with the Knox Center to discuss and review their emergency management plan and how the police department can assist with training staff.
 Deputy Chief Tower attended a Maine Chiefs of Police Association committee meeting concerning Awards.
 Officers arrested a suspect this week for a burglary and theft that occurred in July.
 Detectives arrested a suspect for gross sexual assault.
 Traffic Officer Troy Peasley and City Attorney Beal have been working on the parking ordinances for the city in an attempt to clarify and strengthen the “boot” ordinance.
 Sergeant Ken Smith and Chief Boucher submitted changes to the city disorderly house ordinance for City Council review.
 Detectives arrested a suspect for domestic violence assault and probation revocation.

 John Root and Fire Department personnel performed an inspection at Bartlett Woods for a Certificate of Occupancy.
 Renovations have begun with ongoing inspections at Hannaford Brothers Supermarket in the Rockland Plaza.
 Work continues with ongoing inspections at Home Kitchen Café and the new lobster processing plant at 1 Gordon Drive.
 Renovations have begun at 449 Main Street, turning what was once retail space into a new restaurant.
 There was one complaint filed this week.
 Reviewed for, inspected, and issued the following permits:
o Four Building permits
o One Electrical permit
o One Plumbing permit
o One Street Excavation permit
 Handled 19 different calls, walk-ins for the following reasons: (10)Housing, (2)Household bills, (1)Electricity, (3) Miscellaneous, (1) Follow-up, (1) Cancelled appointment, (1) Disability Advocacy
 Handled 10 different appointments.
 Processed eight applications.
 Applicants requested $13,184.63 in assistance.
 Applicants were found eligible for $2,694.00 in assistance.
 The price per pound for lobster is now at $2.75.
 Attended Harbor Management Committee meeting.
 Issued two permits for calendar year 2013
o 1 Lobster vessel
o 1 Upper Lot Storage
 Updating Upper Lot Storage terms and conditions for 2013 in order to better police the maintenance and care of this lot.
 Processed returns from commercial property owners for tenant information.
 Picked up information on new permits granted.
 Finally got the bridge working between Vision and Munis for personal property.
 Approved Payroll Warrant.
 Worked with Auditors.
 Met with Allen Agency on Insurance Program.
 Attended the Harbor Management Commission meeting. Two vessels were approved for berths at the Middle Pier.
 Finished the updates on next year's mooring permit forms, now to print them and send them out by the beginning of the year.
 Met with the city's computer consultant about allowing the lighthouse committee to use our internet connection for their own breakwater webcam.
 Continued to battle my email program as we try to get all of our old email history to migrate over to a new platform.
In addition to responding to the normal flow of fire and EMS calls, daily shift training, apparatus checks, cleaning, repairs and maintenance to the fleet and cleaning and maintenance of the quarters, the following occurred:
 All shifts reviewed the Department’s Standard Operating Procedure for Chimney Fires as it is the season.
 Annual refresher training was presented for compliance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
 C-shift trained on the use of portable ladders as they apply to fire scene operations.
 The Department’s Training Committee met to map out training for CY 2013.
 Our newest employee, Ben Mullane, visited the station on Wednesday at which time he received his uniforms, turnout gear, policy/procedures manuals, etc. so that he can hit the ground running when he reports for duty at 1900 hours on Wednesday December 19th.
 The Department responded to a report of smoke emitting from the roof of City Hall on the evening of Wednesday December 12th. Although there is no doubt that the complaint was made in good faith, the offending smoke turned out to be steam from a plumbing vent.
 The new wing at Bartlett Woods was inspected by jointly by Code Enforcement Officer John Root and Fire Inspector Adam Micelli on Wednesday December 12th. Completion of construction is expected on December 31st with partial occupancy by mid-January. Each of the shifts will be touring the facility in January to become familiar with the new layout, alarms, utility shutoffs, etc.
 The Department answered call number 2,100 for the year on the morning of December 13th.
 New sidewalk plow/snow blower operator training on site. Instruction from both manufacturer and dealer representatives presented for our entire crew.
 Picked up Vactor sewer jet from Westbrook after repair work completed for throttle up issue.
 MacDougal School foundation demolition work continued all week.
 Employees reviewing all plowing and sanding routes for any potential problems/concerns.
 Public Works Director appointed to Old County Road Micro Corridor Plan Committee. Our first meeting is scheduled for January 24th.
 Geotechnical report from Summit Geoengineering Services was completed for Transfer Station site considerations for new Public Works facility. In general, it appears the site is suitable for development. A meeting next week has been set up with Gartley/Dorsky engineering and Richard Hansen architectural services for further discussion.
 Harbor trail sign post dig safe of locations throughout trail.
 This week’s therapy dog was the lovely lurcher, Maggie, who along with handler Steve Seekins delighted children during the weekly Wednesday Story Time. This ongoing program is a wonderful addition to the Library’s line-up.
 A “Duct Tape Crafts” program will be held for Teens and Children, in the Children’s Room on Saturday.
 Poetry of Rumi with A Turning Night of Stars will be presented as part the ongoing Thursday Evening Arts & Cultural Events programming.
 On Saturday, Matinicus author Eva Murray will speak about her new book, Island Schoolhouse: One Room for All
 Please do remember that the Book Stop will have extended hours on Saturdays through Christmas, for holiday shopping (the best bargain in town—after the Library itself, of course); these special Saturday hours will be 10 am to 4 pm. .
 Greg Blackwell will be sending someone from Public Works to clear the gutters that were reported clogged by an Audette worker. Thank you Public Works!
 The 816F CAT landfill compactor and the D5M CAT bulldozer arrived on 12/7/12. The John Deer 950 J bulldozer was transported away as part of the trade in. The two pieces of equipment are working well. The compactor is doing just what it is designed to do, compact waste. The CAT representative reviewed safety, operation and maintenance with our operators.
 We sent out the 16.64 tons of cardboard for recycling.
 I have been elected Vice President of the Maine Resource Recovery board of directors for another year.
 Continued work on next year’s budget.
 Continued to take in demolition debris and concrete from the MacDougal School.
 Conducted waste water analytical sampling.
 We had a retirement party for Ron Teele at the Elks Lodge. Ron is retiring at the end of the month.
 We did a non-routine cleaning of the Glenwood Avenue pump station wet well due to a floating mat of debris that was interfering with proper operation of the level indicators.
 Finished up construction modifications on the secondary clarifier splitter box.
 Met with Wright-Pierce to review the plans for the pump station control upgrade.
 Wilcox Electric began installing the new Variable Frequency Drives for the wet weather and dry weather pumps at the treatment plant.
 Received an estimate from Larry’s Welding for the new stairway handrails at the treatment plant entrance and Tillson Avenue parking lot at the entrance to the Harbor Trail ($3500-$4000).
 Met with Brian from Wilcox Electric regarding installation of the street lamp for the stairway to the Harbor Trail entrance.
 Recreation Building
o The lights for the front pillars have arrived and should be installed Friday or Monday. These lights are going to add significantly to the front entrance.
o The new ADA ramp at the Union Street entrance is completed and in use. It looks great and is much more functional than the previous set-up.
 Library
o Work on the Library’s south chimney continues; Eric Dube from Casco Bay Engineering spoke with John and Ron Audette regarding the repair this week. As mentioned last week, Audette discovered and Eric corroborated that the chimney backup material is not adequate to support the stone façade. Eric reports that they also found additional evidence of water intrusion in the stone parapet wall above the roofline in line with the chimney. Audette will need to perform the additional repointing alternate work listed in the contract. Audette will not be charging any extra above the current contract amount for the additional repointing work of the stone parapet wall above the roofline. According to Mr. Dube, “the chimney repair work along with the additional repointing work should have a significant impact on the elimination of water infiltration into the building”.
o We are still waiting on Curtis Dow of Cordjia for information from the sub-contractor, to finalize Change Order #4 (HVAC project).

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