
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Governor LePage Encourages Lawmakers to Reconvene in August to Pass Bond Measure

Augusta, Maine - Governor Paul R. LePage reached out to Senate President Justin Alfond and Speaker of the House Mark Eves in a letter on Wednesday encouraging the Maine Legislature to agree to reconvene in August to pass a transportation bond that will promote economic development and create jobs in the State of Maine.

The $100 million bond was presented by Governor LePage in March, and has broad bipartisan support. The bond must be approved by the Legislature no later than August to appear on the November ballot.

Democrat leaders did not respond to the Governor's letter, choosing to issue a news release instead stating that they won't take up bonds until September - a delay that means the transportation bond won't appear on the ballot until June of next year.

"I am very disappointed in Speaker Eves and President Alfond. This bond is supported by Democrats and Republicans alike, yet they continue to delay, as they did with the hospital debt bill," said Governor LePage. "I had hoped we could get past this pattern of holding up good legislation that we all agree on - it's not in the best interest of Mainers."

Once approved by lawmakers and voters, the Governor's $100 million transportation infrastructure bond will allow the Department of Transportation to plan to fund projects based on economic and infrastructure priorities. Furthermore, contractors and construction workers will have confidence in long-term job security that will keep the paychecks flowing, which will continue to strengthen Maine's economy.

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