
Friday, March 1, 2013

The Portuguese Camino Real

Greg Dorr walked the length of the Portuguese
Camino Real last November and paused here for a
photograph of the trail.

Camino Real March 14 

The Portuguese Camino Real stretches from Porto, Portugal, to Santiago de Compestela, Spain. Greg Dorr spent two weeks walking the Camino last fall and will present a slide talk on his adventures on Thursday, March 14, at 7:00 pm, at the Camden Public Library.

In November, 2012, Dorr made a 2-week, 150-mile pilgrimage on the Camino Real, and upon reaching Santiago, turning west and continued walking beneath the Milky Way 56 miles to Finisterre, “the end of the earth.” He will attempt to describe what to expect on such a venture (its ease and its challenges, its costs and its freedoms), recommendations on what to bring (more importantly what not to bring), and why everyone can consider this charming, enlightening vacation adventure.

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