
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New Study: Toxic Chemicals Widespread in Vinyl Flooring Sold by Top Retailers

New Study: Toxic Chemicals Widespread in Vinyl Flooring Sold by Top Retailers
Flooring from a Maine Lowe’s store tests highest among all samples
Home Depot commits to eliminating phthalates in flooring by end of year

(PORTLAND, ME)  A new study released today found that most vinyl flooring samples tested by researchers contained hormone-disrupting chemicals called phthalates, a number of which have been banned in children’s products since 2008 by the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission.

The flooring samples tested as part of the Floored by Phthalates report were purchased from major home improvement retailers including Lowe’s and Lumber Liquidators. Researchers found that of the 65 vinyl flooring tiles tested, 38 of them (58% of the total) contained phthalates.  Some of the flooring tested in the study was purchased in Maine at Lowe’s.  These flooring tiles were found to have the highest number of phthalates of all samples tested.

Researchers also surveyed major retailers to assess whether they have adopted policies to eliminate phthalates in flooring.  The survey found that The Home Depois way ahead of their competitors by requiring its suppliers to eliminate ortho-phthalates in all virgin vinyl flooring by the enof 2015 in favor of safer substitutes.

The Home Depot has been working with Safer Chemical Healthy Families’ Mind the Store campaign to develop this policy for over a year since the spring of 2014.  Mike Belliveau, Executive Director of the Environmental Health Strategy Center in Maine and Senior Advisor to Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families led the team that presentedalternative plasticizer options to company leaders.

Witthis commitment, The Home Depot demonstrateoutstanding environmentahealth leadership,” said BelliveauThis is a major next step in the global effort to phaseouall phthalates in commerce in favor of safer substitutes.”

We congratulate The Home Depot othis landmark initiative,” said Andy Igrejas, Director of Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, whiccoordinates thnational Minthe StoreCampaign.  As the world’s largest home improvement retailer, Home Depot’s new policy sends a strong signal to the marketplace that retailers want healthier buildingmaterials free of harmful chemicals like phthalates. We call on Lowe’s and other major home improvement retailers to join Home Depot in phasing out phthalates in flooring.”

The study is part of ongoing research at (a project of the Michigan-based nonprofit organization, the Ecology Center) on harmful chemicals in consumer products and co-released with Safer Chemical Healthy Families’ Mind the Store Campaign.

Over the last six months, the Ecology Center researchers tested 65 different flooring tiles for substances that have been linked to asthma, birth defects, learning disabilities, reproductive problems, liver toxicity, and cancer.  The flooring tiles were sampled from 5 different national flooring retailers: Ace Hardware,, Lowe's, Lumber Liquidators, and Menards.  Samples were acquired from retailers in seven different states: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina, New York and Vermont. tested the products for chemicals based on their toxicity. Researchers used high-definition x-ray fluorescence (HDXRF) spectrometry, a non-destructive method that allows for the rapid screening of toxic chemicals in consumer products.  Plasticizer identification was conducted using FTIR spectroscopy and a third party CPSC-certified laboratory.

Highlights of Findings from Flooring Study:
·         Most Vinyl tile flooring samples tested contained one or more hazardous chemicals.  The majority (58%) of vinyl flooring tiles tested contain phthalate plasticizers, which are hazardous and are subject to a pending ban in the European Union.  Moreover, almost all (89%) vinyl flooring samples tested contained organic tin-based stabilizers.  Over half of the samples tested contained multiple plasticizers.

·         Home Depot has made a commitment to phase out phthalates by the end of 2015, and has a more comprehensive policy than their competitors surveyed. As of their first quarter of 2015, they are already more than 85% there.  Lumber Liquidators is working with suppliers to transition to alternatives but has not set a deadline.  Other retailers that were surveyed, Ace Hardware,, Lowe’s, and Menards, failed to respond to letters and have no publicly available policies on phthalates in flooring.

·         Some retailers, manufacturers and brands are better than others. 
o   The poorest performing retailers: Lumber Liquidators and Ace Hardware, had phthalates in 100% of the flooring samples tested.
o   Lowe’s (48%), Menards (23%) and (25%) also had products tested which contained phthalates.
o   Amongst flooring brands, Armstrong and Designer’s Image stood out for having 0% of tested tiles with phthalates in the surface layer.

·         Healthier flooring alternatives are available.  The study allows consumers to identify phthalate-free options.  Also, many of the retailers surveyed sell non-vinyl flooring alternatives.  Healthier flooring options included bio-based linoleum, natural rubber and ceramic tile.

“Our study shows that hazardous plasticizers called phthalates are still too commonplace in vinyl tile flooring,” said Jeff Gearhart, Research Director for, the organization that conducted the product testing.  “We also identified the beginnings of a market shift, with one-third of the products tested already using less hazardous plasticizers.”

"Home Depot's decisiowill make a hugely positive impact oindoor environmentaquality," predicted Bill Walsh, Executive Director of the Healthy Building Network. HBN's201report, Phthalate-frePlasticizers in PVC demonstrates these alternatives' availability angrowing use in vinyl flooring, and was a key resource in the coalition’s dialogue with Home Depot.

Phthalates are chemicals used to soften polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or vinyl plastic, and studies have shown they can migrate out of flooring materials and get into the air and dust inside homes.  A growing body of credible scientific evidence has linked exposure to phthalates to serious threats to human health including asthma, harm to male reproductive organs, brain development, and the immune system. 

According to the U.S. CDC, over 90% of Americans have measurable levels of phthalates in their bodies.   Government regulators around the world are increasing scrutiny and restrictions on the use of some phthalates. The European Union will ban the use of several phthalates under their REACH legislation.  The United States is expanding its ban on phthalates in toys and childcare articles and considering further actions on other products.  Several states, including California, Washington and Maine require warnings or disclosure for several phthalates in consumer products.

New research by the Healthy Building Network, also published today, reveals that legacy toxic hazards are now being reintroduced into our homes, schools and offices in recycled vinyl content that is routinely added to floors and other building products. Legacy substances used in PVC products, like lead, cadmium, and phthalates, are turning up in new products through the use of cheap recycled content.

For full study results and detailed information about what consumers can do visit

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