
Monday, August 5, 2013

The Rockland Report

 The Maine Lobster Festival is now set up and running. We had a very good interface with the Directors and volunteers who generously donate their time and energy toward this annual event. Public Works, Recreation, Harbor, Police, Fire and other City personnel all coordinated with the Festival directors and we have had a good experience with the start of this year’s event.
 On Thursday many city staff volunteered their services at the Lobster Festival.
 Along with the Community Development Director we met with representatives from the Chamber of Commerce to discuss support for their efforts to prepare for and greet visitors coming ashore from the harbor, as well as other areas of cooperation between the City and the Chamber.
 Met with Fish Pier Director and took a tour of the facility. We discussed the operation and management of the pier as well as policy matters that may need to be reviewed and considered for revision by the Council.
 Took a tour of the Harbor with the Police Chief. We discussed police activity, enforcement, and other operational concerns with this area of responsibility for the Police Department.
 Accompanied the Harbor Master as he inspected rental moorings and we discussed the mooring field plan. We also discussed other water related matters and operational concerns relevant to the duties of the Harbor Master.
 Continued discussions with Will Gartley, from Gartley and Dorsky, to review and update the plan for a new Public Works garage, as well as presenting changes and recommendations to the Council.
 Inspected Upper Rankin sewer lines with the new CUES equipment.
 Located a line on McCloud Street for a contractor.
 Started to jet the cross country line between Rankin and Talbot but the jetter broke down. The jetter is scheduled for repair on Monday.
 Worked with PW on Limerock Street to find a catch basin that was covered over.
 We repaired the belt press No. 1 polymer pump.
 Replaced a conveyor belt roller.
 Replaced a bearing on No. 2 Belt Press.
 Westfalia was on site to run a centrifuge sludge press trial.
 We had a kick off meeting with the consultant that will be helping us write our Collection System O&M Plan.
 Approved Payroll Warrant.
 Year End Reconciliation Work - Accounts Receivable.
 Record Waste Water Activity from Maine Water.
 Balance Waste Water Accounts.
In addition to responding to 297 calls for services this past week and making 18 arrests; summons were made for various offenses, including Bail Violations, Warrants of Arrest, Theft, Domestic violence, OUI, Assault and Traffic offenses. Officers handled 14 traffic crash investigations and four domestic and wild animal problems. Along with other duties and shift assignments, members of the police department were involved in the following highlights this past week:
 On Saturday July 27th, Patrolman Solórzano and Traffic Officer Peasley pumped gas at Circle K in Rockland to raise money for Special Olympics Maine. The annual Fueling Dreams fundraiser is the largest in the state of Maine for Special Olympics.
 Officers assisted Rockland Fire/EMS with a medical transport off the Breakwater this week concerning an injured female.
 We are keeping busy with public safety concerning the Maine Lobster Festival this week.
 Double checking final assessment values for commitment.
 Processing taxpayers BETR’s 801 applications for 2012 - for reimbursement from the State.
 Continuing to process real estate transfers.
 Also, scanning old real estate cards and linking to the Vision software.
City Manager’s Weekly Report
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 Just a generally busy mid-summer week, all of our rental moorings have been taken every night, boats all over the docks, the park is covered with tents for the Lobster Festival, and King Neptune has come ashore.
 Had our biggest yacht ever - the 112' Lady Sylvia stay one night this weekend.
 Welcomed the ACL's Independence for an extra overnight visit, due to their front office scheduling mistake.
 Ate too much fair-food.
 John Root and Dave Kalloch attended a FEMA meeting to view the preliminary work maps for the new Floodplain delineation.
 The Planning Board met 7/30/13 and approved the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s plan for a public restroom facility at 40 Tillson Avenue, the First Baptist Church’s plan for a new garage at 215 Limerock Street, and Northeast Wireless Network’s plan for antennae and associated equipment on the building at 386 Main Street.
 Final inspection was done with the Fire Department for the new Dory Building at the Sail Power & Steam Museum located at 75 Mechanic Street.
 Three complaints filed this week.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o 3 Building permits
o 1 Electrical permit
o 3 Plumbing permits
In addition to responding to the normal flow of fire and EMS calls, apparatus checks, cleaning, repairs and maintenance to the fleet and cleaning and maintenance of the quarters, the following occurred:
 The Department made final preparations for the 2013 Maine Lobster Festival.
 The Department was one of the agencies involved in a successful rescue of a party from one of the quarries on Dragon Cement’s property, located off Pleasant Street. I would like to especially thank Dave St. Laurent for his assistance. All agencies, RFD, Thomaston Fire, Thomaston PD, the Knox Regional Communications Center and Dave worked very well together in order to make the operation flow smoothly.
 On Saturday July 25th the Fire Chief and Assistant Chief Miceli participated in a live fire drill with South Thomaston Fire at the training trailers located at the transfer station. New thermal imaging technology was presented as part of the training.
 On Tuesday July 30th the Fire Chief met with Steve Dixon of the Maine State Fire Marshal’s Office to review the set-up of the mechanical rides at the festival. At 6 PM, the Fire Chief attended a final briefing with the festival board in preparation for the opening of the gates the next day.
 Took more active and direct role in City’s EPA funded Brownfield Program. Reviewed with consultant (Ransom Environmental) status, filed Quarterly Report, coordinated to make outreach to potential site owners.
 Reviewed and revised the draft budget for Community for Maine’s Future bond program, reached out to DECD, and reviewed with WWTP and City Manager.
 Reviewed and provided input to Finance Director and City Manager in regards to rules for Tax Increment Financing, reviewed City Development Programs in preparation for upcoming Workshop with Council.
 Followed up with two potential new business investments and ventures in City, providing financing guidance and site options.
 Additional outreach to a number of existing businesses in City to set up visits with representative from Maine DECD during Maine Boats, Homes, Harbor Show.
 Outreach, research, and follow up with property owners and potential developers for projects in Downtown and Tillson Avenue District.
 Review and consideration of changes for Community Development Web page to update with current programs, contact with consultants and web manager(s).
 On site visit with Maine DOT and DOC as required for potential grant applications to fund portions of Harbor Trail, Harbor Park and other harbor related projects.
 Issued three lot storage permits.
 The F/V Western Sea off loaded 835,000 lbs. of herring.
 The F/V Western Wave off loaded 280,000 lbs. of herring.
 Lobster price is around $2.55 a pound.
 Submitted monthly billings of users, for services rendered, to the Finance Department.
 Thank you to Public Works’ staff for clearing two gutters at the Library; the parking lot lines were also repainted this week. And a huge, happy thank you for the return of the crosswalk paint on Union Street.
 Maggie, the lovely lurcher, was this week’s therapy dog, accompanied by handler Naomi Howe.
 Patty King led a “lobster story time,” with a sing-along about fish.
 Marty Schindler’s reading aloud of the Redwall books continued...come in on Thursdays as he reads though the series.
 City Attorney Beal invited me to volunteer at the Festival with the City Hall staff; I was quite excited to participate.
 Thursday evening Arts & Cultural series featured a slide-talk—Shuffling off to Buffalo, as Ron Staschak shared his long-distance biking adventures.
 Also on Saturday, Library staff, Friends, patrons and friends will participate in the Lobster Festival Parade, featuring a float of a lobster librarian reading to young lobsters, under the sea! [I’ll update you next week if the Library float wins.....]
 Upcoming events of note: a kantele (traditional Finnish lap harp) concert for kids and families and an author talk on The Fine Art of Murder.
 SUMMER READING is still underway! Go to
 Don’t forget to participate in the Maine Readers’’ Choice Award--
 Scheduled the step down transformer inside the transfer station to be replaced by Michaud Electric. The transformer enclosure is rusted out and beginning to become a potential safety issue.
 Met with Rich Fortin of Drumlin Environmental and the laboratory sampling personnel and solid waste facility personnel to review correct sampling procedure as outlined in our Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP). The last time our EMP was updated was in 2000. Many of the things outlined in the 2000 EMP had been completed and other things had been eliminated over the years. Our goal is to have an updated EMP that reflects what is required. It is also an opportunity to propose to eliminate some analytical and reporting requirements that are no longer needed or required.
 Replaced the mower deck on the riding mower.
 Completed the 15’ berm from the extraction well to the quarry wall. Reinstalled the extraction well pumping hose on the completed berm.
 Repaired a pot hole in the transfer station concrete in preparation for paint.
 Assisted EMS personnel with locating and finding a boat launching extraction point for the individual that had fallen down into one of the quarries on the Dragon Cement property, near the south gate of the solid waste facility.
 Sent out 9.33 tons of tires to be recycled.
 Sent out 22.49 tons of #8 newspaper to be recycled.
 Sent out 2.2 tons of universal waste to be recycled.
 Backfilling new sidewalks at Rankin Block area with loam and seed.
 Began paving sidewalks on Main Street and Union Street and hot topping around catch basin at Beech and Lincoln Street.
 Line painting city streets for two nights including parking stalls on Main Street, and crosswalks on Camden Street.
 Completed trash pickups.
 Street sweeping for downtown area for trash control.
 Organizing barricades, cones, and signs in preparation for Lobster festival parade.
 Watered pole flowers in the morning.
 Grading work on Talbot Avenue at Broadway, and Kalers corner turning lane.
 Mowed and weed whacked city property at Snow Marine and Limerock Street.
 Cold patching various areas including North Main Street.
 Mechanics working on 2001 John Deere grader - turbo needs replacement. Also, transmission fitting and radiator hose on 2007 GMC dump truck, inspection sticker for transfer station trailer, recreation truck door latch, and 1992 Chevy Van rear end work.
 Completed miscellaneous tree pruning for the downtown area.
 Next week plan to continue with sidewalk work on Main Street and Union Street, complete street painting, sign maintenance, and street sweeping.
 The concentration for the first part of the week was to have everything done at Harbor Park for the Festival and also all the parks along the parade route. The crew has weeded, mulched, planted flowers and burnt the grass out of the walkways in all of these areas around Downtown.
 Flower Planters were placed at the main gate for the Lobster Festival.
 New plantings were placed in the garden at Winslow Holbrook Park.
 The cannon were mulched and a couple of plantings were placed around them to dress up their appearance.
 The small planting areas on Main Street have been weeded and cleaned up and mulch was added if needed.
 The crew has added three planter pots to Downtown. Two are in Winslow Holbrook Park and one is at the entrance to Harbor Park.
 The State of Maine Fish and Wildlife department has donated some playground equipment to us. This was the playground that was at the old MBNA daycare building on Water Street.
 The two Memorial benches at Sandy Beach have been placed and bolted to new concrete pads. The area looks nice with this addition.
 Farley and Son are set to begin construction on the Ferry Terminal Park Monday. They will be starting with the stairs and working their way across right to left.

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