
Friday, April 24, 2015

Camden Public Library Events April 30 through May 14

Thursday, April 30

“Titanic: A Century of Myth and Memory,” illustrated talk by Dr. Erin Bishop, 7:00 pm at the Camden Public Library. Part of Maritime Month at the library.

Friday, May 1

For “Lawyers in Libraries” Day, the Camden Public Library will host attorney John S. Sanford, 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm in a brown-bag lunch presentation and Q&A session, providing a brief description of the legal system in Maine and how it works in a practical way, and then answering questions related to the law and letting people know where they can get legal help they or their families may need. All are welcome.

 Saturday, May 2

Opening Art Reception, 4:00 pm at the Camden Public Library, for Maureen Egan’s show, “The Light From Here,” featuring paintings and prints by the Rockport artist. The exhibit will be on display at the library through the month of May.

Sunday, May 3

The Camden Public Library will host Michael Paul Lund’s “A Gift of Laughter: The Classic Men of Comedy,” at 2:00 pm. The talk will feature some of the famous routines of the funniest Americans of the 20th century, including Jimmy Durante, Steve Allen, Tom Lehrer, Alan Sherman, Jack Paar, and Woody Allen. Dagney Ernest will introduce the program and add her own “Gift of Laughter” to the afternoon.

Tuesday, May 5

Author Jim Nichols of Warren will give a reading and book talk on his newest novel, Closer All the Time, at the Camden Public Library, at 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, May 6

Midcoast Stroke Support Group meeting, 10:00 am at the Camden Public Library. Open to all.

Thursday, May 7

“At the Blink of a Hat” performance at the Camden Library Coffeehouse, 7:00 pm, $8. At the Blink of a Hat is the trio of Julia Plumb, Baron Collins-Hill, and Will Brown. Their music is “quick, playful, and a delight to the ear!” The trio is an example of the fresh approach to traditional music that is the hallmark of the Library Coffeehouse.

Monday, May 11

Jenna Labbe-Watson will present “An Introduction to Ayurveda” at 12:00 noon as part of the Wellness series at the Camden Public Library, hosted by Destination Wellness Midcoast Maine.

Tuesday, May 12

Regular meeting of the Camden Philosophical Society Reading Group, 4:00 pm at the Camden Public Library, all are welcome.

“Trekking in Patagonia,” illustrated slide talk by Sandie Sabaka, 7:00 pm at the Camden Public Library. Sabaka is an outdoorswoman, park ranger, avid hiker, backpacker, and skier with itchy feet.

Thursday, May 12

The Camden Philosophical Society hosts Richard Ogle in a talk on “Crisis in Modernity,” 7:00 pm at the Camden Public Library, all are welcome.

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