
Monday, August 12, 2013

The Rockland Report

 Along with the Community Development director, met with representatives of the Strand Theater to tour the building. We also met with Bill Morong of Yachting Solutions and toured the building on New County Road.
 Held my monthly department head meeting.
 At the request of the Chair of the School Board, we placed the mobile display unit out on Main Street to raise public awareness of the upcoming election. Also, as directed by Council resolve #47, we aplaced a notice on public access television to make the citizens of Rockland aware of the special school budget referendum and the negative impacts of the proposed budget.
 Met with the Community Development Director and the Chair of the Economic Development Advisory Committee to discuss upcoming issues and communications between city staff and the committee.
 Along with the Community Development Director, met with a potential investor looking to develop in the City of Rockland.
 We continue to work with Jay Sawyer to display his artwork near Sandy Beach. We hope to have this in place in the coming weeks.
 I have begun reviewing policies and procedures for both Harbor and Waterfront activities and the Municipal Fish Pier. Any recommended changes to the Codes or Ordinances would be reviewed by the Harbor Management Commission and would need to be approved by the City Council before enactment.
 The Maverick Street sewer pipe repair was carried out this week.
 The vacuum truck was repaired this week; therefore we’ve gone back to cleaning the sewer line on Rankin Street.
 Continued to locate the sewer line on Mcloud Street.
 Brook e-coli sampling was carried out this week.
 The new caustic transfer pump was installed along with the new tank piping.
 A bearing on No. 2 Belt Press was replaced.
 Approved Payroll Warrant.
 Month End Journal Entries, General Ledger Work.
 Met with Modern Pest to address an ant issue here at City Hall.
 Worked on Tax Commitment with Assessor.
OFFICE OF THE POLICE CHIEF The officers responded to 293 calls for service. Rockland Police Officers responded to nine motor vehicle crashes. Twenty nine (29) traffic stops and traffic violations were conducted. The officers made multiple arrests of individuals for various offenses, to include assault, warrants, bail violations, domestic assaults, OUIs, trespassing, criminal mischief, domestic assault, disorderly conduct, and for robbery of a pharmacy.
 The Maine Lobster Festival was an extremely busy period for the Police Department and I am pleased to say that the Festival and parade were relatively free of problems, with the exception of two criminal incidences that resulted in arrests.
 We anticipate completing the tax commitment by next Monday.
 Anticipate the tax bills will be mailed by the end of next week.
 Still summertime busy down here. Without the annual visit from the U.S. Navy, the Public Landing was remarkably empty during the Lobster Festival; however, it has picked back up and we've been mostly full this week.
 On Tuesday afternoon, the Cruising Club of America came to Rockland with about 80 boats and rented every mooring and bit of dock space that was available. They had an evening cocktail party ashore before heading off to Castine in the morning.
 Whitehawk, one of Rockland's best known modern yachts, spent Tuesday night at our dock; she really is quite the beauty.
 The demand for rental moorings has been constant with all the moorings rented.
 Setup for the Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors show continues despite the rain.
 Staff attended the City Council Agenda Setting Meeting.
 License inspections were done with the Fire Department at The Brunswick Rooms and The Time Out Pub.
 There was one complaint filed this week.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o 6 Building permits
o 2 Sign permits
o 1 Street Excavation permit
In addition to responding to the normal flow of fire and EMS calls, apparatus checks, cleaning, repairs and maintenance to the fleet and cleaning and maintenance of the quarters, the following occurred:
 The Department only responded to two EMS calls at the Maine Lobster Festival, each of which was a refusal of transport. Overall, the festival was very well prepared through solid planning.
 We were busy on Sunday afternoon with the unfortunate diving fatality and a three-vehicle MVA on North Main Street, all which occurred simultaneously.
 The Department trained on hydraulics.
 At the request of Rockland Marine, the shifts each toured the USCG vessel Marcus Hannah which is on the ways at the boatyard undergoing a retrofit/maintenance.
 The Department finalized planning for the Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors Show, which begins Friday.
 Reviewed potential grant funding for multiple projects associated with Harbor and Harbor Trail with Harbor Master, City Manager, and EDAC committee chair.
 Met with consultants and followed up with others on updates to the development web page and associated CD development portions and other improvements.
 Met with the owners of two existing businesses to review current and future business and investment plans.
 Met with potential developers interested in property investment and development or redevelopment of a number of properties in City.
 Research and outreach to exhibitor participants at Maine Boats, Homes, Harbor Show and participation at the show in order to promote the City as place for new investment and businesses.
 The Library hosted Jess Day, for a special music for Wednesday Storytime.
 Marty Schindler’s reading aloud of the Redwall books continues on Thursdays.
 The Finnish Heritage House presented a lively program of music and hands-on experience with the kantele, the Finnish lap harp.
 Staff attended a Maine State Library initiated workshop on the new cataloging format RDA (Resource Description and Access), for implementation next January.
City Manager’s Weekly Report
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 Thursday evening Arts & Cultural series featured author John Chandler speaking on the Fine Art of [fictional] Murder.
 Financial and legal matters were on the agenda of KNO-WAL-LIN’s final end-of-life seminar on Saturday.
 Upcoming events of note: Rick Rubin, author of The Last of the Doughboys-- interviews with veterans of World War I and a fun-filled, audience participation event which includes a mystery, magic and comedy—Digging up Clues, with Greg McAdams
 SUMMER READING is still underway! Go to
 Don’t forget to participate in the Maine Readers’’ Choice Award--
 Conducted monthly waste water sampling and sent out for analytical testing.
 Completed facility mowing and litter pick up.
 Cleaned the transfer station basement.
 Shipped out 2.73 tons of universal waste and mailed out manifest.
 I was contacted by Bill Butler from the DEP about our experimental use of short paper fiber (SPF) as daily cover in the landfill. In order to continue using the paper fiber we will have to revise next year’s operations manual and include the SPF as an acceptable waste. This will come at a cost of $450 per year, payable to DEP.
 Refrigerant was removed from 39 appliances; the remaining components of the appliances will be crushed and recycled.
 Prepped and installed concrete sidewalk on west side of Union Street from Masonic Street to Grace Street in front of the Farnsworth property.
 Completed trash and garbage pickup around town.
 Swept numerous streets throughout city for two days including Transfer Station and the Public Landing.
 Completed painting of city streets for the summer. We will return this fall to paint basin arrows and repaint school crosswalks.
 Completed roadside mowing on Old County Road near Limerock Street area.
 Watered pole flowers.
 Removed several concrete slabs at boat ramp on Chickawaukie Lake for the Recreation Department.
 Next week Lane Construction plans to pave Limerock Street between Union Street and Main Street at night and also Claremont Street during day time hours. Public Works to continue with sidewalk upgrades on Union Street and Main Street, sign maintenance, voting setup and take down, cold patching, etc.
 The Recreation staff was down at Harbor Park, along with volunteers from the Lobster Festival, on Monday morning cleaning up after the festival. There was some trash to clean up around the park and some bigger things that had to be taken to the Transfer Station; however, the grounds themselves were in pretty good shape after all the prep work last week.
 Construction on the Ferry Terminal Park finally started on Monday. If all goes as planned we should be done by the end of the month.
 Summer Day Camp is up and running with nearly every week at capacity.

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