
Friday, April 24, 2015

Trekkers Executive Director Presents at Regional Conference

Don Carpenter
Becket, Massachusetts - Don Carpenter, Executive Director of Trekkers, was a presenter at the Northeast Regional Conference of the Association for Experiential Education in Becket, Massachusetts.  Over 200 attendees from around the country attended this annual conference, which was held in mid-April at the Berkshire Outdoor Center. Carpenter presented information about how Trekkers integrates relationship-building, experiential education and character development in a youth-mentoring model designed for “the long haul.” He described how Trekkers’ unique approach is a translatable model that transforms lives, both in the most impoverished city in America (Camden, NJ) and here in the most rural/least diverse state in the nation. Talking about the Trekkers mission, Carpenter also gave examples of how experiential and expeditionary learning develop self-efficacy in teens through shared values, practices, and experiences.

Joining Carpenter for the presentation was Trekkers’ alumnus and volunteer mentor, Brandon Caron from Tenants Harbor. Brandon provided information from his experience in Trekkers, having completed the six-year program in 2008. He has served as an adult leader on many Trekkers expeditions, as well as being a Program Coordinator for the organization through an AmeriCorps term of service. Brandon is now completing a degree in Outdoor Education at Johnson State College in Vermont.

Speaking about their conference experience, Carpenter stated, “It was a wonderful opportunity to be able to share our long-term youth development model with a group of people who are so passionate about experiential education. In a setting with such accomplished practitioners, the Trekkers model pushes the needle in getting educators to think about the benefits of experiential education beyond ‘one and done’ programming.”

The Association for Experiential Education (AEE) is a nonprofit international association whose mission is to develop and promote experiential education. AEE was formed in the early 1970s and now has close to 1,400 members in 30 countries worldwide. The organization’s diverse membership is comprised of organizations and individuals from various fields, including education, the environment, youth development, outdoor and adventure programming, service learning, and organizational development.

Trekkers is a non-profit, youth-serving organization focused on connecting young people with caring adults through expeditionary learning, community service and adventure-based education. For more information about Trekkers, please call (207) 594-5095 or visit

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