
Monday, April 7, 2014

The Rockland Report April 4, 2014

 Submitted billing to the Finance Department for March metered electric and first payment on permit fees for Herring Carriers large, small, and Lobster Buyers.
 Finished collecting all trash, pallets, etc. around pier and Public Works spent a day removing the items to the land fill.
 Public Works used the street sweeper to clean the excess sand that had
accumulated on the pier.
 Lobster price is around $5.50 a pound.

 Met with Landmark Corp. to discuss the Thorndike parking lot project.
 Responded to a sewer backup on Gay Street. We cleared the sewer line.
 Responded to a sewer backup on North Main Street. It was a homeowner issue.
 Received a call from First Bank on Park Street as their pump station was offline. Informed the bank manager the pump station is the responsibility of the bank, and made sure he was set up with a plumber.
 Making good progress on the new public restroom. Trusses were set and the roof was sheathed. The radiant heat was also installed this week.
 Met with Summit Engineering regarding test borings for the Summer Street project.
 Finalizing an annual pretreatment report that will be submitted to DEP.
 Working with FMC to finalize the treatment plant study plan. The study plan will be submitted to DEP.
 Attempted to isolate the belt filter press (BFP) drain pipe to allow rerouting of the gravity belt thickener drain pipe that empties into the aeration tanks launder. We found the BFP tide gate in the primary splitter box was no longer sealing, therefore we’ll need to install a new valve in the splitter box to complete the drain project. This will require a pump around of the splitter box.
 Received the new pumps for the Region 8 pump station. We will prepare the
pumps now in order to simplify the installation.
 Installed new bearings in two of the BFP sludge pumps.
 Installed the No. 2 return activated sludge (RAS) pump. The sludge pump was
overhauled by Stevens Electric. We still need to overhaul No. 1 and 3 RAS pumps.

 Processing Real Estate Transfers, updating parcel cards, sales book,
property splits.
 Processing Personal Property accounts, updating ownership, owned items,
depreciation, State BETR’S 801 returns, BETE exemptions.
 Processing building permits, reviewing, updating property cards and
 Analyzing qualified sales of all properties and neighborhoods for a fair and
equitable assessment.
 Completing State forms and returning for processing.
 Listening and reviewing properties at the owner’s request.
 Updating Tax Maps and posting to the web site.

 Trash receptacle and building trash pickup for two days.
 Two call-ins on Sunday 3/30 for Gay Street, North Main Street, and Grace Street water and sewer backup issues.
 City wide sanding call-in on Tuesday morning.
 Picked up two loads of cold patch at Lanes in Bangor.
 Cold patch crew worked every day this week.
 Shouldering and grading roads including Glen Street, Thompson Meadow Road, Gay Street Place, lower Broadway, and several dead ends.
 Sweeping city streets all week with Tymco sweeper mainly in the downtown area. Also, heavy sand buildup removed on lower Broadway along curb with loader and dump truck.
 Sweeping sidewalks for three days using broom attachment on MacLean sidewalk machine. It also carries a water tank to help keep down dust.
 Picnic table and trash can holder rebuilding/repairing and painting including
distribution where needed in city for three days.
 One day crew picked up and disposed of debris at Transfer Station that was
accumulated at the Fish Pier.
 Removing plow wings from most trucks.
 Checking brooks, ditches, and catch basins on Friday in preparation for predicted rain Friday night into Saturday.
 Mechanics working on Johnson street sweeper engine, water tank for sidewalk
machine, bucket truck winch rope replaced.

 Worked with the City Attorney on the RFP for the new SHIP grant gangway at the Public Landing.
 Met with educators at the Farnsworth who would like to hold an outdoor film
event in the park in late August.
 Met with Captain Jim Sharp to discuss his proposal for leasing the old Sea Scout building in Snow Park.
 Attended a meeting of the board of directors Maine Harbormaster's Association.
 Started work on the floats. We'll be working on them for the next two months to
get them all ready for the summer.

The officers responded to 168 calls for service. Rockland Police Officers responded to three motor vehicle crashes. Twenty-two (22) traffic stops and traffic violations conducted. The officers made 10 arrests of individuals for various offenses, to include bail Warrants of Arrest, Bail violations, Drug offenses, Theft, traffic Offenses, and OUI.
 Parking Enforcement Officer Troy Peasley attended the Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run Conference in South Portland hosted by Special Olympics Maine
(SOME). This conference is an annual event used to learn how to properly solicit
funds and raise awareness for Special Olympics. Troy was directly responsible for soliciting over $400.00 for SOME during this event.
 Officers assisted the Local Planned Parenthood office with building safety
planning and inspection. This is the first part of our outreach on development of
an emergency operation plan.
 Detectives assisted Coast Guard Investigative Services with an investigation which occurred last week. After review of the investigation it was decided that the
investigation will proceed under the Uniform Code of Military Justice if necessary.

 Participants in Catinka Knoth’s Adult Drawing enjoyed creating circus-themed
pictures again this week, and Children’s Drawing classes did spring cutouts, in
honor of Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday.
 Tuesday ushered in Poetry Month Rockland (PMR), the month-long celebration of all things poetic, with an Art Opening/Reception, featuring art works in the theme of this year’s PMR—Windows, Doors, and Mirrors.
 I took advantage of the nice weather on Tuesday to clean up some of the trash
around the west side of the building.
 We had a special presenter for Wednesday’s Storytime, as Erika Pfander
entertained the littles with a Dr. Seuss on the Loose program.
 The Arts...for Kids & their Families at the Rockland Public Library continued, with Dena Davis leading Family Stories; Families Writing Together, the Introduction to Musicality (Djembe drums), Collage Crafts with Susan Beebe, and with Angels in
the Outfield, as a Saturday Film Classics matinee.
 Patty King made the weekly trip to North Haven’s Community School.
 I attended a meeting of Midcoast libraries, at Tenants Harbor’s lovely new facility.
 The Thursday evening Arts & Cultural Event was a Poetry Month Rockland event, A Band of Bards Poetry Reading: Dave Morrison, Chris Fahy, Kristen Lindquist, and Alan Clark.
 Chelsea Avirett presented a PMR program-- Graphic Shakespeare: A Poetry & Art Workshop for Teens, on Saturday.
 AARP Tax Aide trained volunteers provided income tax preparation on Tuesday and Saturday. Tuesday, the 8th, will be the final day of this popular program.
 Upcoming events of note—the film The Secret Life of Words, and Frogtown
Mountain Puppeteers.
 Did you know?— almost seven in ten Americans (69%) say that public libraries are important to them and their family: (Pew Research Center)

 The Planning Board met on 4/1/14 and approved CMCA’s application to
construct a new Contemporary Art Center at 21 Winter Street.
 License inspections were done with the Fire Dept. at Archer’s on the Pier,
Lobsterman’s Restaurant, Rockland CafĂ©, Burger King, Subway and the new
Blackboard Deli (formerly Amato’s).
 There were four complaints filed this week.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o 1 Building permit
o 2 Electrical permits
o 3 Plumbing permits

In addition to responding to the normal flow of fire and EMS calls, apparatus checks, cleaning, repairs and maintenance to the fleet and cleaning and maintenance of the quarters, the following occurred:
 The Department provided confined space rescue coverage for FMC.
 The Fire Chief attended the LEPC meeting at Knox EMA
 A-shift and others attended the showing of “Toxic Hot Seat” at the Strand.
 The Fire Chief and A/C Miceli met with FMC staff to discuss changes to the facility IAP with the introduction of the on-site CNG station.
 Three Life Safety Code inspections were completed.

 With the conclusion of the 5th & 6th boys’ basketball invitational we have
concluded the 2013/2014 basketball season. This was another great year with
many changes allowing other towns to play in our league. There were a few
growing pains this first year but we will be adjusting for next year to make it go that much smoother.
 The maintenance and storage room have been overhauled to make them more
efficient in the future.
 Summer camp sign-ups are starting next week. The new season will be here
quicker than we can imagine.
 The weather looks like we can finally start to look at outdoor projects and compile a list of the areas that will need attention this year.

 Conducted waste water sampling and sent in for analytical testing.
 Conducted monitoring well water level readings.
 Conducted semi-annual ground water/monitoring well sampling.
 Conducted semi-annual gas monitoring.
 Researched purchasing a replacement 90 gallon diesel tank for the road tractor.
 Reviewed the annual environmental monitoring report drafted by Rich Fortin, our
Hydrogeologist. The report is due April 30th. The report shows an improving trend in our ground water.
 Created an off- loading area for the storm water catch basin grit being disposed
of by the vactor truck.
 Completed monthly BMP storm water audit.
 Checked with the DEP solid waste project manager about the Public Works
request to place a snow dump at the facility. DEP project manager asked that a
sketch of the proposed area with some of the specifics of the operation be
provided to him for review. I passed this on to the Public Works Director.

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