
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Civil War Encampment in Camden’s Harbor Park

Civil War Encampment in Camden’s Harbor Park

20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Company B will be camped in Camden’s Harbor Park the weekend of August 22-23-24. Company B, 20th Maine, is a living history group dedicated to preserving the memory of Maine Civil War volunteers. The original Company B was mustered into the 20th Regiment, Maine Volunteer Infantry, in August 1862, in time to march to Antietam with the Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac. The re-enactors of Company B will present demonstrations, drills, and living history.

“Our hours on Saturday will be opening camp at 9:00 and closing camp at 5:00 — that said, we welcome the public to come and visit after hours and to sit by the fire and talk, sing 60’s songs (1860’s!) or just chew the fat as long as they wish,” said Lieutenant Paul D. Dudley, 20th Maine Vol. Inf. Co.B., Third Brigade, First Division, Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac. “We don’t have a set full day schedule for Saturday — it’s usually flexible with attendance at the time, but here is a rough schedule of what we expect to be doing: 9:00 –  camp opens; 9:15 — roll call; 9:30 — post colors; 9:30-10:00 — weapons safety check — manual of arms — stack arms; 10:00-11:00 — Living History — displays, music, mini-lectures by various re-enactors; 11:00-12:00 — Child recruitment — Join the Union Army!; 12:00-1:00 — dinner; 1:00-2:00 — Manual of Arms — Stacking of Arms — firing Drill; 2:00-3:00 — Child recruitment; 3:00-5:00 — Living History; 5:00 — supper — camp will remain open to the public into the evening. No set schedule. Sunset — furl the colors.”

The historical Company B, commanded by Walter G. Morrill, had been recruited in Piscataquis County, among the farmers of Dover, Milo, and Sebec. At Gettysburg, Company B was sent out as skirmishers by Colonel Chamberlain to protect the regiment’s exposed left flank. Posted behind a stone wall, the Company was too far away to participate in the initial fight, but was instrumental in routing the fleeing Confederates, its sudden appearance adding to the Rebel confusion. Company B was with the 20th in all its battles, from the Wilderness to Petersburg to Appomattox. Its Captain, Captain Walter Morrill, became the Regiment’s last commander in March, 1865.
In a related presentation, author Jerry Desmond will give an illustrated talk on “Turning the Tide at Gettysburg: How Maine Saved the Union,” the title of his new book due out in September of 2014, published by Down East Press. Through maps and photographs, Mr. Desmond details, location by location around the battlefield, the heroic actions of the volunteer regiments from Maine, at the library at 2:00 pm on Saturday, August 23.

The present-day re-enactment group is made up of men and women from eastern, central, and southern Maine, even Canada, and as far north as Aroostook county. “We are people from various walks of life. We have school teachers, an aircraft pilot, a lawyer, and self-employed contractors. We all share a fascination in the Civil War, and a great interest in ‘learning by doing’. While we strive to be as ‘authentic’ as possible in our Civil War impressions, our main goal is to provide our members and the public with activities that are enjoyable, educational and above all, safe.” The visit by Company B to Camden is part of the “Maine and the Civil War” series hosted by the Camden Public Library.

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