
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Rockland Report August 22, 2014

 Tax bills were finalized and should be in the mail by the weekend. The
new rate is $20.16 per thousand of assessed value.
 Processed Real Estate Transfers, updating parcel cards, sales book,
property splits.
 Processed Personal Property accounts, updating ownership, owned items,
depreciation, State BETR’S 801 returns, BETE exemptions.
 Processed building permits, reviewing, updating property cards and
 Analyzing qualified sales of all properties and neighborhoods for a fair and
equitable assessment.
 Completing State forms and returning for processing.
 Listening and reviewing properties at the property owner’s request.
 Updating Tax Maps and posting to the web site.
 Finalizing the valuation values and looking to commit the assessments to
the Tax Collector.

 The following permits were issued this week:
o Three lot storage
o One lobster vessel
 Another bait cooler has arrived and has been put in place. One more bait cooler
to go.
 The f/v western sea has offloaded 870,000 pounds of herring.
 The f/v western wave has offloaded 750,000 pounds of herring.
 The price per pound for new shell lobster is $3.40.
 Maine Boats & Harbors has placed a ramp and two floats out of 13 for storage at
the pier. The rest of the floats will be hauled out in the fall.

 Hosted the USCG Cutter Moray (from Jonesport) at the Public Landing for an
overnight visit.
 Worked on our “unpaid mooring permits” mailing to remind people that their
payment is overdue. There are about 50 permits still unpaid.
 Had an extra visit from an American Cruise Lines vessel, their passengers were
unhappy at the Journey's End Marina dock.
 This week we docked some of the biggest power yachts we've ever had at the
Public Landing.
 Met with the Police Chief and the new area Navy port operations specialist (Bob
Hunt from Norfolk, VA) to discuss security preparations for future Navy vessel visits.

 The Library remains busy, and at times, hectic, with summer and regular visitors.
 The Friends of Rockland Public library changed their Annual Meeting from January to August, and combined it with a Volunteer Appreciation Reception, which drew quite a number of new attendees. It was a very lovely event; it is always so nice to be able to thank so many dedicated volunteers.
 Catinka Knoth’s Adult Drawing class worked on “Sailboats by Rockland
Breakwater " and the Children’s drawing class theme was “Let's draw Maine
farming scenes,” no doubt in celebration of the agricultural fair season.
 Libby Newport, from the Social Security Agency (Portland Branch) was on hand to assist any interested persons in creating an online account, to access their Social Security information.
 Jean Young read dog books to the children for Wednesday Storytime, while
Maggie (the lovely lurcher) also sat with the children. Jean wished the camera
was nearby! All listened! Jean read Clifford the Big Red Dog by Norman Bridwell, then sent the children into the shelves to find other favorite dog books. Happily each found one and they continued reading. Steve Seekins, our faithful therapy dog handler, was also present, with the aforementioned Maggie.
 I am so pleased to report that the third (and last) class in a new series, Children’s Sign Language, offered by local teacher, Susan Jones, had very good
participation this week. Jean Young was amazed at how much the kids learned
in such a short time. Susan also covered facial expression which is crucial to
successfully conveying conversation. Those who attended seemed to enjoy it, as
well as learn some basic signs.
 Wednesday was a bittersweet day: long-term employee and Deputy Librarian
Linda Barnes worked her last day, and at full Linda-speed. At the close of the
Library, we held a small (her strong preference) reception, honoring Linda and her
years of service to the Rockland community. Linda will be sorely missed, but we
wish her all happiness in a contented retirement.
 Storytime at the Farmers’ Market returned this week, with former Friends’ President Carol Miller presenting, and Jim Schaden helping with the set up again.
 Solace, Hospice, and other End of Life Comforts, were the topic of the Thursday evening Arts & Cultural Events series. Rob Gabe discussed Coastal Family Hospice, which provides volunteer support to Kno-Wal-Lin's Hospice patients in Knox and Lincoln counties; Lauren Armstrong, LSW, hospice and palliative care social worker for Kno-Wal-Lin Home Care & Hospice, spoke of the services offered in their hospice and palliative care program, and discussed the differences between palliative care & hospice care. Interspersed throughout the evening, were songs by Solace, a community-based volunteer chorus that brings the gift of song to those who are in passage. They offer songs of comfort and peace at the bedside of the seriously ill and the dying.
 Saturday morning, Meghan Vigeant, a personal historian, hosted Show & Tell for Grownups, where participants were invited to bring a photo, letter, family
heirloom or artifact and share their story (or just attend and listen to the stories of
 Down to the wire--read the Maine Readers’ Choice Award Finalists now, to vote in September: Benediction by Kent Haruf; The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt; The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Weck; and TransAtlantic by Colum McCann. More
information can be found here. *****Mentioned before, but I urge you to check
out, from the Library’s website . It truly is a phenomenal resource
which helps “anyone learn software, design, and business skills to achieve their
personal and professional goals. The site offers over 2,500 video courses covering technical skills, creative techniques, business strategies, and more.”

In addition to responding to the general response to fire and EMS calls, conducting
apparatus checks, daily cleaning, routine repairs and maintenance to the fleet and
of the quarters, the following occurred:
 Thursday evening C-Shift hosted a dinner for two couples who bid $400 for “Dinner at the Firehouse” at a benefit auction for RDNA. This was a great opportunity to meet some very nice people who live in the community and had some great questions about how the fire and EMS system works here in Rockland. All costs associated were privately funded and the meal was prepared by FF Anderson and assisted by the rest of the shift.
 On Friday I met with Tom Fowler of Landmark Engineering to discuss FD concerns with the Thorndike Parking Lot plan. We are confident that all our concerns will be or have been addressed to ensure public safety is not adversely affected while limiting the impact on the overall plan.
 I also met with members of upper FMC management to meet the new Plant
Manager and discuss their change from oil fueled boiler to compressed natural
gas. We will be conducting site visits, private/public training and a tabletop
exercise to ensure all parties are aware of their roles, responsibilities and limitations in the event of an emergency. The safety controls at FMC and the physical properties of CNG allow us to have high confidence in this project.
 On Tuesday our “Third Party Testing” company came to inspect and certify Tower 3 and all our ground ladders. Once again the aerial and all ladders will be
certified without any requisite work being performed.
 Tuesday afternoon Thomaston “borrowed” one of our ambulances due to theirs
being out of service and we quickly put them to work here in Rockland at a two
car accident where three patients needed to be transported. In instances where
Thomaston is using our ambulance they provide aid back to us at no cost,
allowing us to have three staffed units on scene faster than normal. We had to
request North East to cover us during this time and they too were dispatched to
an emergency call in Rockland necessitating a third mutual aid service, South
Thomaston EMS, to cover our station while the first four ambulances were tied up.
Before it was over, South Thomaston had their own call and we had another EMS
call in town for a total of 6 patients transported (5 from Rockland) before our first
crew was able to return to the station.
 Thursday afternoon MMA conducted a safety policy and compliance assessment
at the FD. We were assured that we are representing the City very well in these

 City receptacle and building trash pickup three days.
 Cleaning catch basins with a crew all week.
 Roadside mowing for 2 ½ days.
 Prepped and paved road cuts including Summer Street, three locations on Lawn
Avenue and Melrose Circle, two locations on Gay Street and Maple Street for two
 Preparation of sand pile and area for restocking of winter sand for a day.
 Picked up 2008 dump truck from Portland North and dropped off 2007 John Deere backhoe at Beauregard Equipment for repair work (electrical issue).
 Sweeping City streets for three days.
 Cold patched roads for one day.
 Pen Bay Acres reset driveway culvert and ditched.
 Grading and ditching work on Dunbar Road for a day.
 Adjusted sewer manhole cover in Pen Bay Acres and catch basin cover on Main Street at old CN Brown building entrance.
 Catch basin repair on Summer Street near Broadway.
 Sign maintenance work for one day.

 John Root is on vacation until Sept. 2, 2014.
 There were no complaints filed this week.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o 3 Building permits
o 1 Driveway permit
o 1 Electrical permit
o 3 Plumbing permits
o 1 Sign permit

 Attended the bid opening for the Q2N gas collection piping installation. The low
bid was a company out of Ohio called American Environmental Group (AEG).
AEG is a national company that specializes in gas collection installations and
landfill gas work. All references checked so far have been excellent.
 Cleaned up and trucked into the landfill material that was left over from the
screening process.
 Prepared for MMA safety audit.
 Worked on obtaining a quote for the solar flare which will be used in conjunction
with the gas collection installation.
 Met with Jason Grant from KTI to work on some back hauls to increase our
incoming demo volume.
 Working on 5 year plan for City Manager.

 The officers responded to 225 calls for service. Rockland Police Officers responded
to four motor vehicle crashes. Thirty seven (37) traffic stops and traffic violations
were conducted. The officers made multiple arrests of individuals for various
offenses, to include thefts, warrants, drug offenses, traffic offenses and child
 Sgt. Finnegan attended two days of training from the National Tactical Officers’
Association on Preparation and Response to School and Workplace Violence.
 Sgt. Finnegan also coordinated with RSU 13 to present Drug Impairment training to
teachers in the area in the near future.
 The Detective Division coordinated with the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office and the
Rockport police in the apprehension of a 46 year old male wanted for
aggravated assault in Lincoln County.
 The Detective Division also coordinated the arrest of a 39 year old Rockland man wanted on four outstanding warrants for a string of thefts committed at Rockland
and Thomaston businesses. The man was aware that he was wanted and had
been running and hiding from the police for some time. A coordinated effort with
the Thomaston Police was conducted and due to these efforts the man was
apprehended earlier this week.

 Make final agenda and preparations for August 28 REDAC meeting to include
updated refresher on TIF and its use as an economic development tool.
 Follow up and track Brownfield Phase II work at 65 Tillson Avenue; Meet with
architect designing “rendering” of potential development on same site.
 Follow up calls with three companies interested in sites in Rockland as well as two
developers that may take interest in potential projects in the City.
 Follow up assistance with Director of Public Works on various projects.
 Meeting to review projects and specifically draft of Harbor Trail map with RMSI Director.
 Brief follow up on grant administration for recently approved grants for
engineering at Fish Pier (dredging) and design of Public Pier.
 Meeting with Rockland Historical Society on draft layout of new walkway and
relocation of 4th Maine Memorial Monument.
 General follow up following four day vacation previous week.

 The summer day camp is coming to a close. This is the last week - camp will end
on Friday. It’s been a good summer and the staff has done a great job.
 The beach area continues to look and operate well. There have only been a
couple incidents with dogs or teenagers according to staff. We have not
received any complaints from the public about the beach this year – especially
notable given the number of people using the area!
 The summer staff is leaving over the next few days and heading back to college
so we will be addressing all issues with the staff that we have left.
 The mural in the gym is approaching completion and looking amazing. We will be
having an event of some sort when it is completed to acknowledge the many
people who helped.

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