
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Portland Fire Investigators Determine Cause of Sherman Street Fire

Courtesy of Portland Fire Department
PORTLAND, Maine – Fire Investigators worked late Tuesday night at 15-17 Sherman Street layering and sifting through the debris to determine the origin and cause of the fire the started last night shortly before 5:15 PM when the first call came in. The three-story apartment building was heavily damaged by fire and water on the 2nd and 3rd floors. It was determined the fire started on a second floor rear porch, and due to high winds quickly spread to the interior via a door and window. The cause was determined to be Accidental due to improperly discarded smoking materials.

There were no injuries as a result of the fire. The Red Cross is assisting 14 of the 16 residents that were displaced with a temporary place to stay. The two other residents were able to make arrangements with family or friends.

Safety Tips:

Smoking materials (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc.) are the leading cause of fire deaths in the United States.

If you smoke, smoke outside.
Use deep, wide ashtrays on a sturdy table.
Before you throw out butts and ashes, make sure they are out, and dousing in water or sand is the best way to do that.
Check under furniture cushions and in other places people smoke for cigarette butts that may have fallen out of sight.
Never smoke in a home where oxygen is being used.
If you smoke, choose fire-safe cigarettes. They are less likely to cause fires.
To prevent a deadly cigarette fire, you have to be alert. You won't be if you are sleepy, have been drinking, or have taken medicine or other drugs.
Keep matches and lighters up high, out of children's sight and reach.

Visit the following link for helpful tips from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

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