
Monday, November 2, 2015

The Rockland Report October 30, 2015

 Finalized the Department of Labor Certification of Abatement forms and
posted them in all the departments. I personally inspected all
departments for compliance. All documentation has been submitted to
DOL in a timely fashion.
 Reviewed and submitted all three Teamster contracts to legal for review.
We will introduce these to the City Council for adoption at the next
meeting. The union has yet to ratify the contracts but that is because of
the review process.
 Met with Evan Coleman, Rockland Energy Center; Mayor Isganitis, and
Audra Caler-Bell to discuss some of the leading residents’ concerns
regarding the power plant. Mayor Isganitis was brilliant in explaining to
Mr. Coleman that pledging to some of the aspects we discussed privately
would be very receptive to the community.
 Attended Rotary breakfast with Dr. Hebert.
 Coordinated and facilitated the RSU #13 participating municipal officials
meeting. I believe that this meeting went well without much guidance.
 Coordinated and facilitated the Transient Housing Accommodations
workshop. I believe that we got to a place to bring something forward for
the next meeting.
 Attended the Renew Rockland Forum. The event went very well and
brought meaningful value to the policy discussions surrounding the power
 Continued working with MDOT to capitalize on the FY 17 work plan.
 Continued working on recruiting an Assistant Code Enforcement Officer.
 Responded to several constituent issues.

 I forgot to mention in last week’s report, that the Library received a lovely
donation of $500, from a patron who is moving from Rockland to be closer to
family. This gift is “in appreciation for all the joy and pleasure the Rockland Public Library has given both to me and my late husband.”
 Keith Drago offered Drop-in Tech Help—this is available on Monday evenings;
patrons may also make appointments for personal assistance.
 Catinka Knoth’s Children’s class drew spooky Hallowe’en themes, with Jack-OLanterns, haunted houses, witches, goblins, and more; the Adult drawing class
focused on Hallowe’en pumpkins.
 The City Manager and I reviewed the Library’s corrections undertaken in response to the Department of Labor’s findings for this facility.
 Patty King met with Jennifer McIntosh, the managing editor of Boats, Homes, and Harbors regarding co-sponsoring a series of programs in 2016. They looked at putting together at least four programs, centering around a broad theme
Experience Maine, or something similar. Speakers would all have been featured in MBHH magazine at some point. More details will be explored; Jennifer will be taking the ideas back to her supervisors for approval.
 Jean Young hosted a new Book Club for 4th to 8th graders; the monthly meetings will include discussion of titles from the Maine Student Book Award list. Snacks were provided.
 Jean Young reports a great visit from Steve Seekins and his therapy dog Leeloo, an Australian Shepherd, during Wednesday Storytime. This week’s group was all little boys, and they played a long time with Leeloo. Jean combined the craft with the reading; she read I Spy under the Sea, by Edward Gibbs and Beastly Babies, by Ellen Jackson. As they listened, the boys and their moms decorated foam pumpkins with magic marker faces and a sprinkling of Halloween glitter.
 Jessie Blanchard and Keith presented a workshop at U Rock, for a Transitions to College class. This included in-depth searching techniques, database mining
(sources unavailable through a Google search), other resources, and electronic
citations. They received very positive feedback, and were asked to return in
 The Library was offered a wonderful gift of oil paintings, by spring-summer-fall resident Laura Waller. I visited her home, and received the lovely works, which all feature local/nearby scenes. The six paintings are currently in my office, awaiting
Council acceptance of the donation before we have them displayed.
 I completed staff performance appraisals and interviews. This is a great
opportunity for in-depth meetings, assessment, and outlining projects for the
upcoming/current year.
 The Thursday Evening Arts and Cultural Event was a Maine History Talk: Forever Young with historian Earle Shettleworth. Real photo postcards of a century ago provided an engaging visual record of childhood in Maine. This illustrated lecture showed children attending one room school houses, harvesting potatoes and blueberries, working in factories, playing sports, and attending summer camps. Many postcards also depict multi-generational family groupings of children, parents, and grandparents with Maine farms and village streets in the
 Staff agreed to a costume-light Friday, with a Dewey Decimal sign for their subject matter. For example, one of us dressed as a bat, and wore a sign marked 599.4; we also had plenty of candy on offer for visitors.
 Jean Young offered Baby Storytime on Friday.
 Also, on Friday, Baby Play with Jess Day: Art, Music, Movement, Mindfulness Program (JAMMM). The program, for families with babies age birth to one, allows parents to learn about the power of music, movement, mindfulness, self and baby care. Resources for parents related to music, movement, parenting, wellness and mindfulness are provided.
 I travelled to Brunswick, to meet with Curtis Memorial Library Director Elisabeth Doucett, and her part-time development director, Joyce Schmitt, to get some ideas that might be useful in Rockland.
 On Saturday Jean hosted a Halloween Hullabaloo!, which included Scary Stories
with Erika Pfander, Costume parade with prizes, making a gory snack and
creating Monster Puppets for an original Preposterous Puppet Show.
 Upcoming: Kids’ Knitting for Beginners; Camden Conference Talk: Burundi and its Implications for African Politics.

 Processed Real Estate Transfers, updating parcel cards, sales book, and
property splits.
 Processed Personal Property accounts, updating ownership, owned items,
depreciation, State BETR’S 801 returns, BETE exemptions.
 Processed building permits, reviewing, updating property cards and
 Analyzing qualified sales of all properties and neighborhoods for a fair and
equitable assessment.
 Completing State forms and returning for processing.
 Updating GIS with the new splits and merging parcels.
 Listening and reviewing properties at the property owner’s request.

Officers responded to 212 calls for service. Rockland Police Officers responded to 11motor vehicle crashes and 7 animal complaints. 31 traffic stops and traffic
violations were conducted. Officers charged or made arrests of 21 individuals for various offenses, to include, Bail violations, Theft, Warrants of arrest, Probation Violations, Traffic offenses and Operating under the Influence.
 DC Young attended a speaking engagement with two other officers at the
Samoset Resort. The guest speaker was a former Deputy Commissioner of FDNY and was on scene during the 911 attacks. The focus of her presentation was communication during a crisis and to establish partnerships with non-public safety entities before a crisis / disaster hits because these entities can be a valuable resource during a crisis situation.
 Conducted monthly building safety inspection. Corrected lighting situation in the garage bay and inspected fire extinguishers.
 DC Young and I went to Brunswick Fire Dept. and met with Deputy Chief of
Operations to discuss the implementation of a Safety Committee. Brunswick has a very successful program in place and will be a valuable resource moving forward.
 Completed Department wide METRO / Limited User Access Training. This is a biannual training for the agency.
C.I.D. –
 Both Det/Sgt. Thompson and Det. Neal are department firearms instructors. They have put their regular investigative assignments on hold unless an emergency situation should arise in order to prepare for and instruct annual firearms qualifications. This qualification will cover the night time pistol qualifications.. All members of the department will attend.
Patrol Division –
 All members of the Patrol Division are completing annual firearms training.
 Sgt. Camporiale has completed the 2016 OUI Grant Application and will be
submitting it to the state.
 Sgt. Camporiale continues to work on converting the MSDS sheets over to the SDS sheets in order to make sure the departments HAZCOM / Global Harmonization program will be compliant by the 2016 deadline.
 Radar details and directed patrols have been completed on Thomaston St. This
data will be evaluated and pertinent information will be distributed to the
 Officers continue to conduct school visits in order to interact with faculty and

 We got the last of the Public Landing floats hauled out at Snow Marine Park. The only floats that are left and that still need to come out are the ones at the Snow Park launching ramp. Those will probably come out next week.
 Hauled out the Harbormaster's boat, and we plan on getting it to the repair shop for work on the outboard's lower gear box.
 Drained all of the water in the parks, and winterized the restrooms in the
Harbormaster building. Still waiting for the water company to come and get their
 Raised the new, big Public Landing ramp and hooked it up for the winter. We'll see how the new system does through the coming season.
 Met with a representative of the Rockland Yacht Club to discuss the process if
they want to own and manage their own rental moorings. They are interested in
trying to find a way to maximize the value of their launch service and earn some

Pollution Control Facility
 Average treatment plant flow was 2.1 MGD early this week it increased to 34 MGD during the CSO event caused by the rain Wednesday night.
 The lab is preparing for the yearly testing of all pretreatment users, this will take several weeks.
 Installation of new fence along the south and west side of the treatment plant has been completed by treatment plant operators.
 Received and assembled a new shed for storage of the portable trailer generator.
 Employee safety training on Lockout/Tag-out of equipment at the pump stations and the Hazard Communication Plan was done.
 Completed rebuilding the #4 plant water pump.
 Changed the oil and completed preventative maintenance on the #1 vortex
underflow pump.
 Replaced the belt tracking sensors and adjusted the filter belt alignment on belt
filter press #1
 Repaired the pump guide rails at the Thomaston St. pump station.
 Removed and cleared a plugged pump at the Waldo Ave. pump station.
Environmental Technicians
 Met with the property owner at 45 Ocean St. to discuss options for connecting 2 basement sump pumps to the city’s storm water system.
 Began CCTV sewer main inspections on Grace, High, and Masonic streets. High street is completed and 300 ft. of Grace St. is done.
 Worked with help from Dept. of Public Services to clean the sewer main on
Franklin St. to prepare for inspection.
 Entered recent pipeline inspection records into the G.I.S.

 Removed down tree on Broadway.
 Working with Catherine Pease from the Career Center Aspire Volunteer program
to provide volunteer opportunities at the Public Services Department.
 Prepared for moving the pedestrian cross walk and signal south to avoid future
signal damage, while Main Street is closed Sunday night into Monday morning.
 Responded to flooding and downed trees as a result of Wednesday’s rain and
wind event.
 Worked with the YMCA on an operating procedure agreement.
 Provided Bloodborne Pathogen training and review of written plan to Public
Services Employees.
 David St Laurent attended MEMA mitigation/grant writing training in Augusta.
 Worked with new Wastewater Environmental Compliance Manager John
 Cold Patched Thomaston Street and Fire Department driveway.
 Three damaged park benches were removed and new ones were installed.
 Ongoing repair of the concrete spalling of sidewalk on Main Street is under way.
 Bret Mank and Mark Porter attended additional transfer station training.
 Chris Donlin, David Larabee, Todd Philbrook, and Dean Martin attended sander control training at HP Fairfield.
 Chris Donlin attended plumbing inspection training.
 Pulled out remaining floats at Snow Marine Park.
 Continued working on installation of the stormwater pipe in the Thorndike parking lot.
 Reviewing with Joe Labranche the implementation of sanding and snow removal route changes.
 Continued with street sweeping of downed leaves.

 The f/v Western Sea off loaded 450,000 lbs. of herring.
 The f/v Western Wave off loaded 170,000 lbs. of herring.
 The herring season is over.
 The next couple of weeks will be used to clean up the pier and remove barrels,
exactors, and pallets.
 The storm caused a couple of skiff to be swamped. No damage was done to the
pier or any other vessel docked.
 The price per pound for lobster is still $4.20 a pound.

 John has been very busy reviewing and issuing permits, investigating complaints and doing numerous inspections.
 John and Asst. Director of Public Services, Chris Donlin attended a subsurface
wastewater disposal training workshop in Hampden on 10/27/15.
 The Code Office hosted the MidCoast Code Enforcement Officers Assoc. meeting in the Council Chambers on 10/28/15.
 There was one complaint filed this week.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o 5 Building permits
o 2 Electrical permits
o 1 Plumbing permits
o 1 Sewer Connection permit
o 1 Sign permit
o 1 Street Excavation permit

 Meeting with representatives of Midcoast Municipalities and Midcoast Economic Development District (MCEDD) to discuss the roll out of MCEDD’s Solarize Midcoast Maine program.
 Discussions with Penquis on scheduling a forum in early December regarding
housing needs in Knox County.
 Preparation of Letter of Intent for business interested in applying for CDBG
Economic Development Program Grant.
 Working with Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership on finding or developing
space for small scale specialty food manufacturers (food business incubators).

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