
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Rockland Election Results, Rockland Withdrawal From RSU13 Rejected

Question 1: Clean Elections
Do you want to change Maine law to allow publicly financed state candidates to qualify for additional funds under certain limits and rules in the Maine Clean Election Act, to improve the disclosure of who pays for political ads, and to increase penalties for violations of campaign finance law?

Yes 811 63.01%
No 476 36.99%

Question 2: Low-income senior housing
Do you favor a $15,000,000 bond issue for the construction of new energy-efficient affordable homes for low-income seniors, the adaptive reuse of structures for homes for low-income seniors and the repair and weatherization of existing homes for low-income seniors, which will create jobs and will be matched by an estimated $22,600,000 in private and other funds?

Yes 948 73.77%
No 337 26.23%

Question 3: Transportation bond
Do you favor an $85,000,000 bond issue for construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of highways and bridges and for facilities and equipment related to ports, harbors, marine transportation, freight and passenger railroads, aviation, transit and bicycle and pedestrian trails, to be used to match an estimated $121,500,000 in federal and other funds?

Yes 996 77.39%
No 291 22.61%

Rockland Question 1
Do you favor RSU 13 withdrawal?

Yes 310 25.22%
No 919 74.78%

Rockland Question 2
Given the withdrawal of St. George from RSU 13 and rise in costs to Rockland since the merger of SAD 5 and SAD 50 into RSU 13 should the city explore other education options that could potentially improve local education

Yes 786 65.72%
No 410 34.28%

Rockland City Council
Vote for one Three-year term

Deborah O. Atwell 0 0%
Frank C. Isganitis 476 47.41%
William J. Jillson 528 52.59%

Rockland RSU 13 Board of Directors
Vote for two for a three-year term

Jesse L. Butler 787 51.17%
Esther M. Kilgour 0 0%
Nancy L. Mathieson-Jeffers 751 48.83%

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