
Friday, March 14, 2014

You Can Be A Pirate

Artillery: A Dark Rose Pirate sends fire downrange while defending the in-town areas of Damariscotta and Newcastle during a past Damariscotta River Pirate Rendezvous. Members of the group can learn to operate a variety of period weapons. (photo by Don Dunbar/
 Auditions Open to Join Local Pirate Crew
A midcoast-based pirate crew complete with sailing vessel, cannon and performances throughout the eastern seaboard is looking for some new buccaneers. They’re extending an invitation to audition for the crew. Likely recruits need only bring themselves and a description of what they want to add to the crew when the auditions are held Sun., March 30 and Sun., April 6 at 122 Camden St. in Rockport, beginning both days at 1 p.m.
Pirate hopefuls passing the first audition will be invited to join the crew as recruits, which after at least one season of consideration, could lead to participating as paid member of the Pirates of the Dark Rose based on a vote of the crew.
“If yer the sort that likes ta shoot a flintlock, swing a cutlass, fire a cannon or pull the yards on a fast-movin’ sailin’ vessel, then ye might be givin’ some thought ta joinin’ the Pirates of the Dark Rose,” said Capt. Crudbeard (Tomm Tomlinson of Rockport), leader of the pirate crew. “We’ll be settin’ off ta plunder an’ pillage at festivals and benefits from Key West, Florida ta Eastport, Maine this season -- an’ those eager for adventure won’t be findin’ no shortage of it with our scurvy bunch!”
Theatrical Fighting: Dark Rose Pirate recruits will have the opportunity to learn many types of theatrical combat, including hand-to-hand, swords, pistols and muskets. (photo by Michael Morrison)
The Pirates of the Dark Rose are already well known as performers at midcoast events such as, the Pirate Days at Fort Knox, Windjammer Days in Camden and the Pirate Rendezvous in Damariscotta. Those performances are just a few during their summer season.
Pirates of the Dark Rose performers do everything from pirate songs, to hand to hand cutlass combat, to naval cannon fire from their 55-foot topsail yawl S/V Must Roos. They also use field artillery pieces on shore, and have members trained to fire historic firearms. Last, but not least, singers and musicians are also invited to join the crew.
“We’re lookin’ fer those who know these trades, and those who would show a keen interest in learnin’ ‘em,” Capt. Crudbeard said. “We’re happy ta teach those who will join us.”
All recruits will be required to assemble a proper costume and adapt a pirate personality. Crew members will be on hand to assist with these efforts, including a chance to select some costume pieces from the ship’s collection.
Following these initial steps, all recruits will receive hands on instruction and then must qualify to operate the crew’s collection of artillery pieces. This is done to provide a good complement of artillerists, and for general safety. Following these initial qualifications, recruits will have a chance to receive instruction and be further qualified in sword fighting, hand to hand stage combat, black powder weapons, and sailing; depending on the recruit’s interests. Recruits are also encouraged to bring their own skill set as musicians or other types of performers.
The pirate ship S/V Must Roos sails up river loaded with pirates ready to invade the in-town areas of Damariscotta and Newcastle during a past Damariscotta River Pirate Rendezvous. The vessel is armed with six cannon, and sailing aboard her is one of the many activities that recruits for the Pirates of the Dark Rose can participate in. (photo by Michael Morrison)
For more information on joining the Pirates of the Dark Rose, contact Sandi at 207-596-5568 or More about the Pirates of the Dark Rose can be found online at

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