
Thursday, March 20, 2014

American Lung Association Urges Lawmakers to Protect Lung Health of Mainers

American Lung Association Urges Lawmakers to Protect Lung Health of Mainers
Legislature Can Improve the Lives of Thousands with Health Care Expansion

(AUGUSTA, ME) – The American Lung Association of the Northeast, a participant in The Cover Maine Now! Coalition,  the coalition supporting the expansion of access to health care, released the following statement today in response to the House’s vote on LD 1487, “An Act to Implement Managed Care in the MaineCare Program” sponsored by Senator Roger Katz, legislation that would provide health insurance to nearly 70,000 Mainers. The House voted 97 to 49 to accept the majority “ought to pass as amended” report on the bill. The bill will return to the House in the coming days to face another vote for final enactment before heading back to the Senate for the same, and finally arriving on the Governor’s desk where a veto is expected.
 “The Lung Association is grateful to Maine’s legislators who voted to provide needed health insurance to our neighbors, friends and family members here in Maine who deserve access to quality health care,”  said Jeff Seyler, President and CEO of the American Lung Association of the Northeast.  “Republicans, Democrats and Independents have worked together on a compromise that will help improve lung health, prevent lung disease, detect it early and save lives in our state. Politics must not stand in the way of this important measure becoming law; too many lives are at stake.  Our legislators have an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of nearly 70,000 hardworking Maine residents who need health insurance. We thank those lawmakers who voted  in favor of providing access to life-saving health care and we ask those who did not to reconsider their vote.”
The Cover Maine Now! Coalition includes nearly 100 organizations representing healthcare workers, families, seniors, disability advocates, people of faith and others, who support accepting federal funds that have already been set aside to provide health care coverage to nearly 70,000 Maine people.
For a full list of coalition members, visit:

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