
Monday, May 8, 2017

Rockland City Report May 5th, 2017

 The Harbor Master and I had and very productive meeting late last week with the Executive
Director of the Northern Boarder Regional Commission and the Maine and New Hampshire
Project Officer from the US Economic Development Administration (EDA) as well as Patty Aho, the
regional representatives from Susan Collins’ Office, Pam Trinward from Representative Pingree’s
Office and Matt Burns from MDOT to discuss funding for the rehabilitation of the Fish Pier and
redevelopment of the Public Pier. We have submitted our pre-application to the Northern Border
Regional Commission and hope to be completing the full application for submittal in June. We
will be submitting our pre-application to the EDA in early June in preparation for the submittal of
our full application in late June/early July. If we are successful in securing 100% of the funding we
request to these organizations the City would receive $1.6 -$1.7 million in federal grant money for
these projects.

 Would like to thank Annette Nagel from Georges River Land Trust for the help she and her
colleagues have provided in going through the due diligence process around the property in the
Bog which Mr. Malcolm Von Salza has offered to sell the City. GRLT holds the conservation
easement that affects Mr. Von Salza’s land and they have been a great resource in discussing this
easement as well as providing me with examples of purchase and sales agreement that are
specific to purchasing conservation land.

 The Public Services Director and I had a meeting with MDOT and Don Ettinger from Gorrill Palmer (who was the traffic engineer who worked on Camden Street) to discuss both the South Main and Camden Street projects. The purpose of the meeting was to determine if some of the striping for
Camden Street could be done in accordance with the Camden Street Master Plan. MDOT was
very positive about narrowing the size of the travel lane to create bike lanes along Camden Street,
particularly from the Maverick Square intersection to where the bike lanes begin closer to the
Rockport town line. We also spoke about making some key pedestrian improvements around the
Maverick Square intersection stretching toward the Breakwater Market Place. We still need to
complete some design work, make some measurements along the right of way and determine the
cost of these improvements but I am hopeful we will be able to make improvements that will
make this area safer and more appealing to pedestrians and cyclists.

 I would like to thank the City Staff who have been diligently participating in the City’s Safety
Committee. Having an active Safety Committee is very important for creating a culture of
workplace safety. Since the Safety Committee has been meeting monthly (beginning in
September of 2016) we have had one the City’s best years in terms of reductions in incidents and
have developed strategies for responding to and investigating the minor incidents which have
occurred. This has provided a valuable resource to all the Departments and has made everyone
more accountable to their peers in following the policies and procedures necessary to keep our
employees safe on the job. I would especially like to thank Deputy Chief Young, the Chair of the
Safety Committee and Wanda Harvey for the progress the group has made over the past few

 We have received three new applications for Short-Term Rental, John created two applicant’s site
plans for Planning Board review, and three Short-Term Rental properties were scheduled for
Planning Board Review.

 Five Short-Term Rental properties, STR-2’s, have received their permits. A single-family dwelling
at 26 Grove Street and a two-family dwelling at 21 Atlantic Street owned by a residents of
Rockland, and three single-family dwellings owned by non-residents at 33 Purchase Street, 8 Halls
Lane, and 60 Waldo Avenue.

 John attended a meeting of the Rockland Planning Board, and a Safety Committee Meeting.

 Bill performed five victualers’ license inspections and one second-hand merchant’s license

 Roxy organized, prepared for, and sent out abutters’ notices for two meetings of the Rockland
Planning Board, and drafted Findings of Fact for the applications reviewed by the Planning Board.

 John met with contractors, property, and business owners regarding various proposed projects
throughout the city, some of these meetings were in conjunction with the Fire Department and
included on-site inspections.

 John and Bill performed Certificate of Occupancy inspections of a yoga studio at 8 Lindsey Street
in conjunction with the Fire Department. Bill performed a Certificate of Occupancy inspection of
one unit in a two-family dwelling at 20 Gamage Lane.

 Twenty-two complaints were filed in the past two weeks. Nine were regarding short-term rental
listings online. One regarding an unscreened dumpster. One regarding poor private road
conditions. Two were regarding unpermitted decks being built. Four regarding trash, junk, and
unkempt properties. Two were regarding noise. And finally, one regarding a failing septic-system.
We remain very busy investigating and following-up on complaint issues within the city.

 At its May 2nd meeting, the Planning Board reviewed and approved the site plans for Haven
Smoothies, a 64 s.f. lunch wagon located at 2 Park Drive.

 A new Planning Board Site Plan Review Application was received from George Closson for Tire
Warehouse, a 4,185 square foot tire business at 166 Camden Street.

 We issued eight building permits. A demolition permit was issued for interior demolition work to
be done at 429 Main Street. Fence permits were issued for 10 Leland Street & 96 Maverick
Street. A permit to alter two rooms to timeshares was issued for 2 Park Drive. An art installation
of the “EAT” sculpture was issued to 16 Museum Street. A residential repair of foundation was
permitted on Willow Street. A permit to replace 2 decks on New County Road, and a permit for a
screened porch on Oliver Woods South were also issued.

 A Home Occupation permit was issued for a Real Estate Office at 160 Cedar Street.

 We continue to be busy with various other permits, inspections, and assisting the public with
questions. The following permits were issued by the Code Office:
o 8 Building Permits
o 1 Home Occupation Permit
o 9 Electrical Permits
o 4 Plumbing Permits
o 1 Keeping of Domesticated Chickens Permit
o 2 Sidewalk Display Permits
o 5 Short-Term Rental Permits

 As some of you may have already seen, this week was Children’s Book Week, and our newest staff
member, Katie Drago encouraged staff to dress as characters in well-known or loved children’s
books. In case you hadn’t seen the pictures on the Library’s Facebook page, I’ve included some at
the end of my report. Patrons and staff truly enjoyed this.

 Both the Adult and Children’s drawing classes, led by Catinka Knoth, had May flowers and May
Baskets as themes.

 On Tuesday, local artist Kim Bernard presented a program on the upcoming Rockland Sculpture
Race and the history of sculpture racing. She also helped attendees brainstorm ideas for their
own entry.

 The Library hosted the Community Spokes Program, which is the Bicycle Coalition of Maine's
effort to create a statewide network of bicycle and pedestrian advocates at the local level.

 Judith Andersen was back, and read to a large group during Wednesday Storytime.

 As a member of the City Budget Committee, I attended the first in the series of budget
workshops, deliberations by Council.

 This was also a LEGOS™ Club week; there was no special theme.

 The Thursday evening Arts & Cultural Event was a concert in the Reading Room, Velocipede, for
people of all ages! Hailing from the great state of Maine, Julia Plumb (fiddle, foot percussion) and
Baron Collins Hill (tenor guitar, mandolin) play original and traditional fiddle tunes from New
England, Quebec, Appalachia, Scandinavia, and the British Isles.

 Friday was an MLA program day for me (the next to the last); this month’s topic is Heritage

 Reminder: The Friends of Rockland Public Library are hosting a year-round bottle drive and we
need your help! They’ve signed up with CLYNK, the bag-drop bottle return system located at
Hannaford supermarkets. It's easy: Get green CLYNK bags at the Book Stop (open Mon-Sat, 10-1)
or from the Circulation Desk, fill them with your empty bottles and cans, and drop off your bags at
the Rockland Hannaford CLYNK station. Funds raised will go automatically into our Friends of
Rockland Public Library account. And please spread the word to neighbors and other community
Upcoming: Talk: Enjoy A Simpler Life by Organizing Your Home; also Let’s Talk About It: Book Group Making a Difference: How Love and Duty Change Lives--The Library has been selected by the Maine Humanities Council to offer “Let’s Talk About It”, a free reading and facilitated discussion group with copies of books available through the Library. This program is provided by the Maine Humanities Council’s Maine Center for the Book in cooperation with the Maine State Library. This will meet for five sessions, through September 26. Please stop by the reference desk to register and pick up the first book of the series, Plainsong, by Kent Haruf.

 Finished the landscaping around the Harbormaster’s building.

 Installing the electrical service to the Public Landing.

 Starting to install the Public Landing floats next week.

 Boat will be in the water next week for the season.

 Painted the public restrooms and repairing the tile.

 Seasonal restrooms are now available at Snow Marine Park and Sandy Beach.

 Sewer flows through the treatment plant have been averaging 3 million gallons per day,
increasing to about 11 million gallons per day during the recent rain.

 The lab did B.O.D. and T.S.S. testing for Vinalhaven.

 Inspected and serviced the lawn mowers and trimmers.

 Changed the oil in the gear reducers on the primary clarifiers.

 Completed the biannual service to the odor control system at the treatment plant.

 Repaired a leaking pipe on the sodium bisulfite bulk storage tank.

 Weekly pump station inspection and testing.

 Replaced two sump pumps in the basement pump room of the sludge handling building.

 Exercised and tested the backup generators at the treatment plant and pump stations.

 Interstate septic cleaned and pumped the wetwell at the Waldo Ave. pump station.

 Completed startup and testing of the chlorination and DE chlorination systems in preparation to
be online before the end of May.

 Changed the intake filters in the #2 and #3 aeration blowers.

 Removed #2 pump at the Glenwood Ave. pump station for rebuilding and installed the spare
pump in its place.

 Used the CCTV inspection camera and dye testing to identify the sewer connection from a
residential property to the sewer main on Thomaston Street.

 Inspected and approved a sewer lateral that was disconnected and sealed at the site of a house
being demolished on North Main Street.

 Inspected 200 ft. of 6 inch sewer main on Broad St. using the CCTV push camera.

 Responded to a Dig-Safe request on Main Street.

 Began installation of a fire hose connection at the treatment plant to be used to fill the water tank
on the sewer jetter/ vac truck.

 Continued entering sewer lateral locations into the G.I.S.

 Answered a complaint about a sewer backup on Pacific Street. The blockage was in the property
owner’s sewer lateral, there was no problem with the city sewer in the area.

 Responded to a Dig-Safe request in Pleasant Gardens.

 Cleared a blocked storm water pipe on Gay St. West with the sewer jetter.

 Checked a report of sewer possibly leaking into a Quarry off Talbot Avenue. A sample was taken
and is being tested at the treatment plant lab.

 Submitted monthly wastewater pretreatment report.

 Attended Energy Committee Meeting. Weatherize Rockland and LED lighting was reviewed.

 Camden Street & Route 73 paving has been delayed. We are now in the process of finalizing a
work-plan to complete stormwater separation and have the subbase ready for DOT to come back
in May of 2018 to complete final surface paving.

 Investigating new extraction well pump.

 Met with Gorrill Palmer to review Camden Street plans with DOT.

 Awarded the Center Line painting bid to High-Way Safety Systems Inc.

 Sent out bid on Straw Blower.

 Continued work with Woodard & Curran on landfill closure and finalizing the Schedule of

 The Public Services budget was presented to council.

 We have been working toward incorporating several new paving projects into the 2018 schedule.

 Attended the Maine Resource Recovery Association Conference and was a guest speaker along
with Zander Shaw from the Waste Watcher/Renew Rockland Group.

 Continued department wide respirator safety training.

 Met with area contractors concerning road opening permits and acceptable paving practices.

 Attended Parks Commission meeting to discuss ongoing Warren Street Park concerns.

 Flowers for Main Street and Park Street have been ordered.

 Completed hangers and holders for the American Flags and flower pots along Main Street.

 Assisted Garden Club.

 Match in Harbor Trail to new paving at Mechanic Street.

 Brick repair at Winslow Holbrook Park.

 Zone 1 spring cleanup complete.

 Citywide cold patch.

 Citywide trash pickup.

 Citywide tree trimming.

 Sweeping of sidewalks is complete.

 Sweeper repairs.

 Transfer Station loader repair.

 Sign truck repairs.

 Preparation for upcoming rain event.

Over this preceding two weeks, in addition to the response to 65 Fire and EMS calls, conducting
apparatus checks, daily cleaning, routine repairs and maintenance to the fleet and of the quarters,
the following occurred:

 Our personnel setting up, learning and utilizing a new data entry program for incident reporting.
We had been entering two separate reports for every EMS call to maintain our incidents as a fire
department that provides medical services. This was a duplicative and long process that plagued
our personnel. Thankfully the State now offers a single platform that allows information to
“associate” between the two national reporting data banks (Fire and EMS) which will cut down on
the duplicate entries. In the short term this means each run takes more time to enter as people
learn to use the system. Unfortunately it seems that every time they introduce a system that
make data entry easier, they also require new data, thus the over time savings may be a little less
than we’d hoped for, but we’re still optimistic…

 We hosted Jason Oko from Maine EMS who helped us learn some of the finer details of the new
reporting program mentioned above. A thank you to Paramedic Abby Planeta for jumping into the
reporting program so as to become our in-house source of knowledge.

 Training over the past two weeks consisted of “Truck Company” functions. With personnel
working with ladders, the aerial tower and utilizing the new forcible entry door purchased
through donations. In the first week we can already see the immense value this training prop
brings to our training program. Learning to properly force entry allows us to use much more
finesse rather than brute force, resulting in less damage, less potential for injury and faster task
completion. We again thank FF Carl Anderson who led the charge to obtain this training tool.

 Chief Whytock attended numerous meetings on a host of topics over the past two weeks.

 C-shift once again saved the City significant dollars by removing and replacing our oil tanks. After
seeing the quoted price to have this done by a third party it appears that the savings was in the
thousands by doing this in house.

 A-shift, Chief Whytock and Capt. Benner all responded to a mutual aid request to Thomaston for a
structure fire. This fire appears that it may be another case of a fire starting on the outside and
quickly finding its way inside via new construction features that lack any fire resistance. We are
ready and willing to help those people who are building new homes learn the dangers and
possible solutions to some of these issues.

Administration –
 Chief Boucher attended the Sequel Care Project district meeting this week.

 DC Young attended a meeting of the Knox County Regional Communication Executive Board.

 DC Young facilitated the written test for the detective appointment process.

 Conducted initial telephone interviews with the potential candidates for the vacant patrol officer

 Continued working on the first draft of the written test for the patrol sergeant process.

 Attended the first round of budget review with other department heads and City Council.

 Chief Boucher participated in the quarterly meeting with Pen-Bay Medical Center Community
officials meeting.

 DC Young met with victim / witness advocates from the Knox County District Attorney’s Office to
discuss protocol changes within their office and make sure Rockland PD was complying with those

 Chief Boucher and Officer Labo conducted the Drug Takeback event on Saturday and took in 33
pounds of unwanted medication. Overall 780 pounds were taken in throughout the County of
Knox at all of the collection locations.

Criminal Investigation Division –
 Assisted the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency regarding a drug overdose death investigation.

 Purged un-needed evidence from the evidence storage room.

 Conducted multiple background checks for area property managers.

 Continued working on active criminal investigations within the division.

Patrol Division –
 Officers assisted Probation and parole with conducting compliance checks on probationers that
reside in Rockland.

 Officers assisted Probation and Parole with transporting probationers who were in violation of
their probation conditions to the Knox County Jail.

 Officers conducted alcohol compliance checks at establishments in Rockland that serve alcohol.
 Officer Bagley attended a meeting of “Renew Rockland” to discuss bicycle safety.

 Officers assisted Rockland EMS on two calls for service.

 Officers served paperwork for the Unified Courts regarding criminal cases.

 Officers visited all schools within Rockland, to meet with students and staff to discuss any
concerns they may have.

 Officers assisted the Knox County Sheriff’s Office with a motor vehicle crash investigation.

 Officer William Smith participated in the Healthy Kids Day event at the recreation center.

 Officer Smith assisted a disabled person by going to their residence and collecting their unwanted
medications for the drug take back. This person was unable to get to a drug collection point on
their own.

 Officers conducted targeted traffic enforcement details. The focus of these details were speed
related with special attention to school zones and Main St.

 Officers responded to 124 calls for service, investigated 1 traffic accident and conducted 20 motor
vehicle stops. As a result 10 people were either summonsed or arrested for various violations.

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