
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Author Event: The Gnome Project: One Woman’s Wild and Woolly Adventure

BLUE HILL, Maine – Maine artist and wool crafter, Jessica Peill-Meininghaus, will discuss and read from her recent book, The Gnome Project: One Woman’s Wild and Woolly Adventure, at the Blue Hill Public Library on Thursday November 19th at 7:00 PM.

What do you do when life is too chaotic? How about felting a gnome? Or 365 of them, one for each day of the year?

Artist and wool crafter Jessica Peill-Meininghaus decided that she needed a project to teach herself follow-through in life. She settled on making one of her popular felted-wool gnomes every day for a year. With pipe cleaners and wool roving, amidst the chaos of raising four children and moving cross-country, Peill-Meininghaus felted her way through hundreds of charming, pointy-hatted, often bearded characters.

Lavishly decorated with photos of each charming creation, The Gnome Project is the surprising and magical story of what happens when we commit to something small. (Hint: It's something very big, as in making life more meaningful.)  In this book is her inspirational tale, complete with gnome-making instructions.

Jessica says that when she’s not felting, she is usually “homeschooling three of my four children, tending to our animals, working with children with disabilities, writing and tending to our homestead in Maine.” Books will be available for sale and signing. This event is sponsored by the Library. There is no charge, and everyone is welcome. For more information, call the Library at 374-5515.

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