
Friday, June 7, 2013

“Food for Life”

Free “Food for Life” Class June 27 at the Camden Public Library

Join Food for Life instructor MiMi McGee in exploring how a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes can enhance your health and support your wellness goals. The class will be held on Thursday evening, June 27, 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Camden Public Library. Class size is limited, please call the library at 236-3440 to register.

“Food For Life: An Introduction to How Foods Fight Cancer” class members will learn the latest nutrition information, enjoy cooking demonstrations, and taste healthy, delicious dishes. Special thanks to the Maine Cancer Consortium and the Picker Family Resource Center for funding this class.

MiMi McGee is a “culinary alchemist” who finds flavorful inspiration in her passions for healthful cuisine. What began as an interest in the culinary arts has come full-circle for MiMi, whose creative talents take a decidedly plant-based, whole food approach to delicious eating. “I want to bring the benefits of healthy eating to the forefront through deliciousness and taste,” says MiMi. In 2010, MiMi’s commitment to health and (delicious) nutrition was recognized nationally when she became one of a handful of chefs to be selected by the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine to become a Food for Life Cooking Instructor.

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