
Monday, June 3, 2013


Rockland, Maine - On Thursday June 13th at 6:30 PM -- there will be a Screening of the documentary
film: Who Needs Sleep?

JUNE 13th at 6:30PM at the Rockland Public Library
DOCUMENTARY FILM: Who Needs Sleep?  
Ahhh... the glamorous life in Hollywood. Or is it? Film crews routinely work sweatshop hours, often clocking 15 to 18 hour days at the expense of their families, their health, their well-being, and even their lives. In 1997, after a 19-hour day on the set, assistant cameraman Brent Hershman fell asleep behind the wheel, crashed his car, and died. Deeply disturbed by Hershman's preventable death, filmmaker and multiple-Oscar-winning cinematographer Haskell Wexler shows how sleep deprivation and long work hours are a lethal combination. Who Needs Sleep? is a commentary on our quality of life.

Special accommodations for persons with disabilities can be made with 48 hours notice. Please call the Library at 594-0310.

This evening is one in a continuing Thursday evening series of literary, film and musical offerings sponsored by the Rockland Public Library & The Friends of the Rockland Public Library. Admission is free.

Views expressed in public programs at the library are those of the presenters, and not necessarily those of the Rockland Public Library.

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