
Friday, June 13, 2014

Portland to Join Compassionate Cities Campaign

PORTLAND, Maine –  At its meeting on Monday night, the Portland City Council will vote on a resolution that commits the City to a ten year Compassionate Cities Campaign. With it, the City also endorses the charter for compassion, crafted by the International Campaign for Compassionate Cities (ICCC), a branch of the Compassion Action Network. The non-profit group works to spread compassion and compassion-based programs. More than 80 cities from across the world have already signed the charter and hundreds more are actively organizing to do so.

“I first proposed that the City become part of this effort to promote compassion in my State of the City address earlier this year,” said Mayor Michael Brennan. “I believe this charter expresses our values as a city, and allows us to be part of a national and international effort.”

Being a compassionate city reflects the fact that Portland is inhabited and surrounded by a number of diverse cultures, religions, backgrounds and people who deserve to live in a community that celebrates peace, unity and compassion. Becoming a compassionate city will encourage the citizens of Portland to work together to alleviate the problems of inequality and disrespectful behavior.

The charter was endorsed by the U.S. Conference of Mayor's last year. On June 10, 2014, the Public Safety, Health and Human Services Committee voted to forward this item to the City Council with a recommendation for passage.

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