
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Following Review of Navy Yard Shootings, Collins-McCaskill Renew Call for Overhaul of Security Clearance Process

   WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) today renewed their call for consideration of legislation they authored that would implement an automated review of public records and databases for any information that might affect the security clearance status of individuals who have such a clearance.  This comes after the Department of Defense (DoD) today released the results of internal and independent reviews of security at its facilities and the security clearance process.
            In October, Senators Collins, McCaskill, Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), introduced a bill that would require the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to implement an automated review that would search public records and databases for information on every individual with a security clearance at least twice, at random times, every five years. These audits would identify information these individuals are already obligated by law to disclose including information relating to any criminal or civil legal proceeding; financial information relating to the covered individual; data maintained on any terrorist or criminal watch list; and any publicly-available information that suggests ill intent, vulnerability to blackmail, compulsive behavior, allegiance to another country, or change in ideology of the covered individual.

            If, in the course of a randomly timed audit required under the Senators’ bill, the review finds any information pertinent to security clearance, the OPM would be required to notify the agency employing the individual—allowing the agency to follow the procedures already in current law to make an informed determination as to the individual’s ongoing employment, level of clearance, and access to classified information.

            “As these reviews have found, there is a gaping hole in the current security clearance process that has enabled people who exhibit obvious signs of high-risk behavior to remain undetected,” said Senator Collins, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and former Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.  
“There needs to be a balance between the processing of clearances quickly enough to allow individuals to do their jobs, but also thoroughly enough to flag potential problems.  Our legislation represents a sensible path forward to protect national security and to help prevent future tragedies.”
             “Today’s report further highlights the systemic failures in the current process that are jeopardizing our ability to protect our nation’s secrets and our secure facilities,” said Senator McCaskill, a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “Senator Collins and I recognize the need for greater oversight in our security clearance process and our bill is aimed at doing just that.” 

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