
Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Rockland Report

 Attended the Mayor’s beach cleanup and participated with the cleanup efforts of multiple public beaches and waterfront properties.
 Attended the Memorial Day celebration at Chapman Park.
 A Request for Proposal has been released for hydrogen peroxide for the Solid Waste Facility; and stone, gravel, and loam for Public Works.
 Bids are being solicited for tax acquired properties at 9 Pine and 67 Warren Street.
 The contract to install chemical resistant liners at the Wastewater Treatment Facility has been awarded to Marston Industries of Fairfield, Maine.
 Conducted multiple inspections throughout the week at various project sites around town and inspection of facilities and grounds.
 Continue to work with Council during budget hearings to answer questions as we prepare for budget adoption.
 Along with the Community Development Director, I met with Doug Erickson to do a walkthrough of the Bicknell Building off Tillson Avenue.
 The crew worked on the Parks first thing Monday morning to make sure they were ready for Memorial Day celebrations.
 The cannon in Chapman Park were touched up Tuesday morning. We will address repainting them again, after we see how the touch up dries.
 We will be getting the beach ready for nice weather this week as we start getting the buoy line and swim float out and in place.
 The stairwell to the tower room has been repainted, now that the leaks have been stopped, and the wall has been cleaned and painted. The paint should hold now that we have stopped the moisture problem.
 Audette has started to replace the windows in the Game room. They have been blocked in and windows that match the rest of the building have been installed.
 Received 17 different calls, walk-ins and e-mails.
 Updated client files.
 Received a notice from DHHS after a routine annual audit that the City of Rockland is in compliance with the General Assistance statutes and the Department of Health and Human Services’ General Assistance policy.
 A temporary sewer line repair was completed on Rankin Street. A permanent repair will likely be completed by the end of next week.
 Responded to a sewer line restriction at the intersection of Camden and Maverick Street. Currently scheduling a repair of the sewer line for next week. It’s likely Maine Water damaged the line when they replaced their water main, therefore they will likely pay for repairs unless excavation of the pipe proves otherwise.
 Paul Baillargeon retired on May 24th. His replacement will start work on June 24th.
 Attended a MWWCA meeting regarding EPA’s comments on our draft NPDES permit. The meeting was called due to the fact that these comments could affect 15 other Maine communities who treat their wet weather flows with primary treatment. A meeting between the 16 communities and DEP is planned for June.
In addition to responding to 195 calls for services this past week and making 19 arrests; summons were made for various offenses, including Bail Violations, Warrants of Arrest, and OUI, Theft and traffic offenses. Officers handled four traffic crash investigations and five domestic and wild animal problems. Along with other duties and shift assignments, members of the police department were involved in the following highlights this past week:
 Chief Boucher met with County emergency management officials concerning School safety in Rockland Schools.
 Officer Peasley, Sgt. Finnegan and Sgt. Camporiale participated in the “Tip A Cop” event at Applebee’s in Thomaston to benefit Maine Special Olympics.
 The police department scholarship committee met to review dozens of scholarship application from Ocean Side High school graduates. The committee selected two recipients to receive a $500.00 scholarship each. Our donations are from working Rockland Police officers. This program is administered by a dedicated group of law enforcement professionals who believe in the importance and value of higher education.
 Followed up with consultants on ED program and projects, funding strategies.
 Met with photographer and graphic designer for advertising; followed up on marketing opportunity with site selector agency.
 Attended FMC Community Meeting at Lonza.
 Toured properties, area and sites and reviewed plans for Tillson redevelopment; discussed same with possible interested developers.
 Follow up replies and emails to contacts made at the Cruise New England Canada event.
 Followed up on Harbor Trail quotes for signs and with Committee Chair.
 Met with Jason Merriam, Chair of Rockland Main Street Design Committee, regarding Committee recommendation to Council on signage.
 Reviewed microloan program with business applicant.
 Follow up calls with News Channel 6 regarding story on Camden Street Project.
 Processed Personal Property declarations that are being returned.
 Reviewed building permits for completion of work done.
 Calculated updates on those permits.
 Approved Payroll Warrant.
 Attended Budget Meeting.
 Attended Meeting with Fire Chief, Public Works Director, Knox County’s EMA Director and a State Hazard Mitigation Officer on potential hazard mitigation projects.
 Dave attended the MCEOA meeting in Arrowsic for an update on floodplain mapping.
 License inspections were done with the Fire Department at Duo’s Take Out and In Good Company.
 Final inspection was done on the recent renovations at Hannaford Supermarket for Certificate of Occupancy.
 There were three complaints filed this week.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o Six Building permits
o Two Electrical permits
o Three Plumbing permits
o Three Sign permits
 Responded to a report of a dinghy adrift in the channel - towed it out and returned it to its owner.
 Finished the annual re-installation of the holding tank pump-out system.
 Had a conversation with the captain of the American Cruise Lines vessel, the Independence, about how to dock with our new floats. They are scheduled for this year's first visit on June 5th.
 Drove to the South End of Rockland (Owl's Head) to investigate a wooden dock float that washed ashore. The high tide is too low to get it off the rocks. We'll try to establish who the owner is.
 Started inspecting and installing the city's rental moorings.
 Reviewing our mooring acquisition and disposal policies and will be making recommendations to the City Manager on changes to improve the way we catalog our moorings and how we dispose of them.
 Picked up debris left at various parks from the weekend volunteer cleanup and transported to Transfer Station.
 Completed backfilling curb/sidewalk at Rankin Block. Prepping and installing curb on Main Street at James Street.
 Farley & Son has been contracted and is installing curb on Main Street from North Main Street to Cottage Street. Public Works crews, are delivering them granite curbing as needed.
 Adjusted six sewer manholes on Camden Street and one on Union Street for the MDOT project.
 Watered hanging flowers.
 Cold patching roads including Old County, Upper Talbot, Clarendon Street, Payne Avenue, Upper Limerock Street, South Main Street, and Halls Lane; reclaimed cuts on Main and Union Street.
 Attended hazard mitigation meeting with FEMA and EMA personnel.
 Attended MDOT progress meeting for Main Street/Union Street project.
 Mowing City owned properties including Limerock Street, Pine Street, Warren Street, and Broadway. Also mowed Broadway hill and Public Works garage.
 Picked up four tires dumped on Thompson Meadow Road during normal trash run.
 Markings Inc. painted centerlines and edge lines.
 Picked up waste oil from Bert’s Machine.
 Mechanics worked on 2008 International dump lights, 2007 International dump exhaust, and assisted with miscellaneous public works projects as needed.
 Graded gravel edge of turning lane on Old County Road by Kalers corner, and Birch Street Place.
 Swept edge lines and center lines where needed in preparation of centerline painting crew.
 Set out float at Chickawaukie Lake for Recreation Department.
 Next week we plan to continue setting curb and adjust manholes to grade for MDOT project; Water Company pipe replacement project is scheduled to start on Monday starting at Burger King and running south to Front Street - the contractor George Hall will also repair a partially collapsed sewer main at the Maverick Street intersection.
 Otis Elevator Co. was here to test fire alarms for the elevator.
 Chiller repairs were done on Wednesday but because of the cooler weather no tests could be done to make sure everything was working properly. They will be back to make sure all is well.
 Jean Young hosted a school class tour of the library on Friday.
 Dan O’Connor and Patty King attended a workshop Thursday for instruction on doing an online exhibit. This is hosted by the Historical Society.
In addition to responding to the normal flow of fire and EMS calls, apparatus checks, cleaning, repairs and maintenance to the fleet and cleaning and maintenance of the quarters, the following occurred:
 The Fire Chief and A-shift participated in the City of Rockland Beach Clean-up on Saturday morning.
 The Department participated in the City of Rockland Memorial Day Parade with Squad 3 bringing up the rear.
 Just after the parade, the Department answered simultaneous (and from the outset, likely related) calls for wires down at the intersection of Limerock and Union Streets and a person reported to be trapped in an elevator at the courthouse. The Fire Chief assigned himself to the wires down (along with RPD) and Squad 3 and the Rescue, under the command of A/C Elwell, to the elevator emergency. The elevator passenger was assisted in removing himself from the stalled car which was stopped between floors. CMP restored power to the area in about an hour.
 The Fire Chief met with the outgoing Secretary/Treasurer of the Knox County Mutual Aid Association for a tutorial on transitioning into that position for the organization.
 Along with the Finance Director and Public Works Director, the Fire Chief met with Ray Sisk from Knox County Emergency Management Agency and Joann Mooney from Maine Emergency Management Agency to discuss possible hazard mitigation funding.
 The appropriate city departments completed and filed their paperwork with FEMA regarding reimbursement for overtime costs and other extraordinary expenses related to the February blizzard.
 Companies drilled on emergency escape procedures from the upper floors of burning buildings.
 Worked on removing the riding mower gas tank to remove sediment and water.
 The slide show of the images and factoids of the facility and PERC is now being aired on the local public channel.
 Installed a tripod support in the landfill to remove the kink in the discharge hose.
 Submitted the scheduled maintenance report to CAT.
 Sent out 650 tires weighing 8.45 tons to be recycled.
 Accepted 12.60 tons from the Beach Clean-Up Event. Great Job!
 Bill Butler from DEP conducted a portion of the annual solid waste facility inspection. The remainder of the inspection will be completed next week.
 We have started to work on the flower garden under the sign.
 Mowed grass and picked litter.

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