
Monday, February 22, 2016

The Rockland Report February 19, 2015

 It was a short week for administration but not everyone gets to enjoy the holidays.
The Public Services crew has had a relatively mild winter but the plowing crew
had more than Valentine’s Day gifts to think about this weekend. They did a
superb job avoiding any more Valentine’s Day parking bans. I would like to
remind everyone that with Dave St. Laurent’s and Chris Donlin’s leadership as
directors; it allows Dave Larrabee, foreman, to focus on effective deployment.
Dave Larrabee has been recognized recently by the City Council and my office
for outstanding performance but he is really performing at an amazing level. The
entire department performed well in this storm. Good job.
 I met with vendors regarding document management software this week.
Essentially, the tool would assist in document storage, retrieval, work flow, and
contract administration. The city is considering this investment city wide. The city is heavily invested in paper document filing, although most documents originate digitally. Most documents are inefficiently retrieved. I look forward to
technological solutions like these and will report more soon.
 Included with this report are the 1st draft ordinances prepared by the legal
department for consideration by the Energy Committee and Planning Board
regarding grid scale energy plants. The leaders of these committees met recently.
Staff is assisting in removing obstacles from continuing the policy discussion. I
thought the draft documents would help the City Council stay tuned as the
document evolves. Thank you Councilor Pritchett for your leadership on this
subject, as well as, Chairman Laustsen and all the committee, volunteers, and
 Included with the report is a copy of the draft Volunteers Day program scheduled for February 29th, 2016 at City Hall. I am working on a guest speaker in order to treat the volunteers to more energy and continued effort. I will be sending out a press release, as an open invitation, but I would ask for your assistance in welcoming the guests of honor, our volunteers. Please reach out to your circles. Thank you Mayor MacLellan-Ruf for leading this effort.
 Included with this report is a request from Rockland District Nursing for continued support. It goes without saying that this request will be included in the Manager’s Budget Plan. RDN’s letter speaks for itself about the public value of this support by the city.
 Included in this report is a press release sent out by the Fire Department. Recently, the Fire Department answered a call to an already extinguished fire. The Fire Department had recently requested fire alarms be added to this residence, as a part of code compliance and inspection. The alarms saved the building and likely the lives of the people inside. This didn’t make the press but it is a great story.
 Included with this report is the Manager’s charter mandated submission of the
Capital Improvement Plan. Historically, the city has had difficulty maintaining this charter deadline requirement and this year is no different. The CIP being
submitted is not complete, not comprehensive, and not integrated with the
operating budget. I would like the City Council to accept my submission and
allow further time to develop the plan for resubmission in conjunction with the
operating budget. I included last year’s submission to compare but I think both
are lacking requirements suggested in the charter. I wouldn’t spend too much
time scrutinizing or attempting to adopt this submission.
 The budget working group continues to hammer away at the FY17 operating
budget. This is turning into a highly energizing and collaborative method of
budget review. The appointed members of the group have demonstrated great
public management skill and judgement. I’m proud to work with them. The
operating budget submittal remains on schedule.
 The Personnel Board certified three applicants for the Harbor Master position. All three are highly qualified candidates and will be further interviewed. I expect to make an employment offer before the end of the month and will report
immediately upon the offer.
 I finalized the insurance submittal to lock in rates for next year’s insurance. I think this will lead to an advantageous premium cost to add to next year’s calculation. Thank you Joanne Billington for your assistance.
 There were some residents concerned with the raising and lowering of flags and flag etiquette this weekend. First, thank you for recognizing the significant legacy left by Justice Scalia. Second, the President of the United States ordered flags at half-staff over the weekend. The President recognizes dignitaries and officers internationally and orders flag etiquette on federal government facilities.
Municipalities take these same directions from the Governor of Maine. The
Governor issued the same order on Tuesday. The city complied with the
Governor’s order immediately but missed one flag. That was an oversight and the city is adjusting the process appropriately. We appreciate the notifications from the public regarding flag etiquette. Etiquette and politeness will always be
extended from the city.
 The city extended an employment offer, which was accepted, by Roxy LaFrance for the Code Enforcement Administrative Assistant position. Ms. LaFrance is returning to Maine from Vermont with her husband. She has over a decade of experience in government office administration at the State of Maine, prior to her work in Vermont running a clinical office. I am excited that the Code
Enforcement Office will be fully staffed again with top quality employees. John
Root managed the office very well without major pieces of his staff during this
period. Even more incredible was Dawn Overlock’s (Assessing Clerk) contribution during this time. Dawn single handedly ran the administration of the office including duties in Code Enforcement, Assessing, Planning Board, and
Comprehensive Planning Committee. Well done Dawn. Thank you.
 There was some excitement this week when a Facebook site that resembles the
City of Rockland’s Facebook site posted comments that otherwise would not be
permitted by the City. Facebook can be the wild west of comments but all
official comments and positions of the City of Rockland will be properly
demonstrated. The city’s Facebook page is labeled City of Rockland, Maine, as is the corporate name of the organization. Use of the City Seal must be permitted
by the City Clerk. Hopefully the 1500 fans of the other site understand the
complications and stay engaged with Rockland through all mediums.
 I am working on a report that will update the City Council on the Old County
Road reconstruction project. It will be finalized early next week. As the city
awards the contract and prepares to break ground, I think it is necessary to
recapitulate the series of events that led to this great project. This will be an
amazing project. One that the citizens deserve and the city looks forward to
administering perfectly.

 It’s hard to believe that another week has come and gone. Thanks to the
Presidents’ Day holiday, this was a short week; although, a short week does not
equate to less work…
 I attended two budget review sessions during the week. The sessions thus far have been about reviewing the budgets; but, more importantly at this stage, to gain an understanding of what each of us provides in the way of services to the public. Oddly enough, most of us live in our own worlds and don’t take the time to consider what others go through on a daily basis in providing services. It’s been very interesting and enlightening.
 Also, this week I updated the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP is
presented annually to the city council in advance of the city manager’s budget
proposal. In subsequent years a more formal CIP will be developed as everyone
becomes more adept at planning capital improvements for the immediate and
long term needs of the city. This year’s proposed CIP is another step in the longterm planning process for capital improvements and funding of needed
infrastructure improvements and/or equipment purchases.
 Since the budget process is in full swing, I continually update the budget format and have provided the city manager with the budget form for his use, review, and updating. There is much to do in preparing a budget document worthy of the city and its citizens; a document that not only provides financial information, but gives the reader a sense of the services the city provides and how much the city offers its residents. The budget document is a document that will be updated/amended/improved each year. It is our hope that the budget will be easy to read and understand by everyone and anyone; one that provides
valuable information to the readers.
 I’m also starting to look into the investment accounts; in an effort to update them and to make sure the accounting of the investments is accurate. I have made
some small changes, which I have relayed to Bar Harbor Trust Services that
manages the account. In the future, I intend to prepare an investment policy for
the city manager’s and city council’s consideration; one that will provide a way to determine how funds should be invested; what type of funds to invest long-term by an investment manager (i.e. BHTS), and the type of funds to invest in the short term by utilizing either CDs, CDARs, or in a simple savings accounts.
 The cash flow is holding its own. Payables are being mailed out today. I expect the cash flow to begin gaining again over the next several weeks.

 Thanks to all who worked so hard to create the Event, those that donated, and
those who attended, this year’s Open House was a roaring success, with over
three hundred over the evening. Each year we learn, too, how to make the next
one even better. We had some nice press coverage here: open-house/1482176 and here:
Top/Article/Marine-Matters-Mixing-and-Mingling/125/723/43794 and a letter of
thanks, from me, here:
 Thanks also, to Public Services staff for removing the Library’s Snow Mountains.
 We had Ukulele Club all week, as a Winter Vacation special, led by music teacher Celia Jones, and funded as part of The Arts…for Kids& their Families @ the Rockland Public Library.
 Catinka Knoth’s Children’s Art Class drew presidential portraits; due to Monday’s holiday, no adult class was offered this week.
 I participated in two meetings of the Budget Group again this week.
 Staff continue to book appointments for the annual AARP Tax Aide, free income tax filing assistance, from trained volunteers. We are still waiting for some of the forms which have not yet arrived from the IRS.
 Jean Young was back for Wednesday Storytime. Jean reported that it was
particularly well attended with a variety of ages; they all enjoyed each other’s
company and stayed for hours. Stories read included Bear Snores On, by Karma
Wilson with lots of audience participation, “And the Bear Snores On…!”, Jack Frost ,by William Joyce, and This Place in the Snow, by Rebecca Bond (which led to all the fun activities the children can do, with making snow angels topping the list). After which, Jean supplied coloring pages of Jack Frost and invited them to “find their snack” ---mini pretzels packages hidden in the stacks”.
 The planned Thursday Evening Arts and Cultural Event was cancelled, as the
presenter advised he was unable to be with us, though he hopes the Library will
reschedule his program.
 Jessie Blanchard, co-chair of Poetry Month Rockland has put out the call for
entries in this year’s Poetry Contests, as well as information for applicants for a new Poet Laureate (expanded beyond Rockland this year)! More information is here: and here: e
 Jessie also hosted Coloring for Adults, which is now a regular event, held the third Saturday of the month.
 We have had an inquiry about hosting a Fiber Arts group at the Library, and we are interested in learning more about this potential program.
Upcoming events include Explore Art with Susan Beebe Thursdays in March–the first of which will be Paper-doll Making; this is part of The Arts…. Also, the ever-popular and engaging author Kate Braestrup will give a talk on the subject of her latest book: Anchors & Flares: A Memoir of Motherhood, Hope & Service.

Over the preceding week, in addition to the response to 27 Fire and EMS calls,
conducting apparatus checks, daily cleaning, routine repairs and maintenance to
the fleet and of the quarters, the following occurred:
 Friday we held our bi-weekly Officer’s Meeting. We discussed the upcoming
budget process along with other topics.
 After Saturday’s snow, Valentine’s Day proved to be too cold to safely clear
hydrants. Shoveling commenced on Presidents Day and was completed in
about 3 hrs with the assistance of call division and a few off duty personnel.
 Participated in two of the Budget Review team meetings.
 I conducted a brief walk-through for new smoke and CO system in private
residence at the request of the owner and electrician, both of who were very
interested in doing things not only right, but above the minimum.
 Met with the Clinical Coordinator from APEMS (EMS training agency for our
region). We discussed being a preceptor site for EMS students in the region who
need to work on an ambulance to complete clinical rotations. We have done
this in years passed and found this is a great way to sell our department to
potential hires in the future and also to assist these students reach their
 Wednesday evenings drill was interrupted by a stovetop grease fire at 25
Suffolk St. The fire found and extinguished by the occupant who was in another
room and alerted by a temporary battery smoke detector installed after an
Apt. Building Conveyance inspection conducted by CEO Root and myself.
Had it not been for the detector, this fire would have been much different,
potentially tragic.
 All career officers attended the Supervisors Sexual Harassment training
Thursday morning at City Hall.
 CEO Root and I conducted a preliminary inspection for a new
mercantile/restaurant downtown.
 I followed up on an illegal/unsafe outdoor burning complaint after the Code
Office had been called in. All parties have been educated on the rules,
responsibilities and liabilities with any similar issues in the future likely resulting in citations being issued by law enforcement.

Officers responded to 292 calls for service. Rockland Police Officers responded to 16 motor vehicle crashes and 7 animal complaints. Sixty-five (65) traffic stops and traffic violations were conducted. Officers charged or made arrests of 10 individuals for various offenses, to include Warrants of Arrest, Traffic offenses, Bail violations, Probation violations, and Theft. Administration: -
 Chief Boucher attended the Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force meeting at Rockland District Middle School Library.
 DC Young facilitated weekly Criminal Investigations Division Meeting. Updated on the status of current investigations, new intelligence information and the weekly plan for the division.
 Chief Boucher and DC Young with representatives from Maine Behavioral Health. The purpose of this meeting was to explore new partnerships regarding the treatment of opioid dependent people living in our community and how to get
these people to the proper resources during times of crisis. This is part of the
beginning stages in exploring opportunities to address the issue facing our
 DC Young met with the local supervisor of the Department of Marine Resources (Marine Patrol). The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the upcoming summer, deployment of the harbor patrol boat and what the two agencies could do to combine marine resources to improve the safety of citizens using Rockland Harbor.
 Working with our supervisors to discuss media relations and stressed the
importance of positive media relations and making sure that we are viewed as a
team, promoting team accomplishments.
 Attended sexual harassment and employee evaluations training at City Hall.
 Continued to prepare employee evaluations with an anticipated completion
date of 02/24/16 for evaluations to be finished.
C.I.D. –
 Continued working an ongoing investigation with DHHS Adult Protective Services.
 Conducted sex offender compliance checks.
 Liaison with the Attorney General’s Office for elder abuse investigation in the
 Conducted home visits of elderly residence of concern in Rockland.
 Continued investigating other open cases within the division.
Patrol Division –
 Conducted targeted traffic enforcement at intersections of concern throughout
the city.
 Conducted compliance checks on liquor establishments throughout the city.
 Conducted nightly building checks and discovered an unsecure window at the
High School. The window was secured.
 Coordinated with Maine Pre-Trial Services and conducted bail checks on people
under their supervision to ensure compliance.
 Court paperwork was served as needed.
 City Council Packets were delivered.
 Responded to Rockport to assist Rockport P.D. with an active domestic assault
Parking Enforcement City
 Issued 36 Parking tickets this past week.
 On Friday February 12th Traffic Officer Peasley attended the Sagadahoc/ Lincoln/ Knox Special Olympics regional winter games at Lost Valley in Auburn. Troy took part in the awards ceremony and placed ribbons on every Special Olympic athlete.

 This was a short week, but a very busy one.
 John met with more than four potential developers and several preliminary
inspections were done with the Fire Chief to check for potential red flags. Detail
will only be released when formal documents are submitted.
 Both Bill and John continued to be busy with construction, electrical and plumbing inspections.
 Bill continues to follow up on lingering unresolved complaints and violations.
 Bill has begun work on a compliance procedure policy.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o 3 Building permit
o 4 Electrical permits
o 1 Plumbing permit
o 1 Sign permit
o 1 Driveway permit
o 1 Planning Board Application (pre-application meeting)

 Plant has been in CSO since Tuesday, February 16th.
 Average daily flows were 5 MGD.
 Peak CSO flow was 7 MGD.
 Removed and cleared a blocked pump at Glenwood Pump Station.
 Performed preventive maintenance on two treatment plant trucks.
 Repaired and reprogrammed the variable frequency drive controller for a pump at the Ocean St. Pump Station.
 Repaired the operator for the overhead door in the maintenance shop.
 Installed a new check valve at the Glenwood Avenue Pump Station.
 Worked with Interstate Septic to clean the wet wells at the Waldo Avenue and
Glenwood Avenue Pump Stations.
 Fueled and exercised all backup generators in preparation for possible power
outages due to high winds.
 Responded to a call regarding a flooded basement on Cedar Street. Flooding
was not a sewer issue and was caused by high groundwater entering the
 A broken pipe on a private sewer lateral was identified as a source of seawater
entering the sewer collection system. The property owner has had the pipe
 Installed a flow meter in the 24” sewer line at Harbor Park to record the amount of
seawater infiltration that is occurring.

 Performed snow and ice control resulting from the weekends and Monday’s storm on streets and sidewalks. Later in the week we removed the stockpiled snow that resulted from the storm to the City’s snow dump. We continue not have to hire out the trucking of accumulated snow thus far.
 Cleaned out basins and culverts to prepare for rain and thaw to prevent flooding.
 Trash City Wide was picked up and disposed of.
 Treated roads with salt and sand due to melting and early morning freezing.
 Cold patch city wide
 Fix mailbox and signs.
 A light pole in in front of the Farnsworth was damaged by a hit and run. The light pole was removed and base was temporarily capped. The hit and run is being investigated.
 Picked up one wheeler load of cold patch from Windsor
 Continued the painting City Hall interior.
 The power supply line between light pole 45 and 47 which runs under Glovers
Passage on Main Street was diagnosed as having an electrical short. The power
supply line is also frozen within the conduit preventing it from being pulled to be
replaced. It is also suspected that the short may have caused ballast and photo
cell problems on the four street lights to the south of Glovers passage and the two
street lights just north of Glovers passage. The lights cannot be repaired until the
line under Glovers passage thaws allowing it to be pulled out of the conduit.
 Preventative maintenance performed of various pieces of equipment.
 Sink hole on Shaw Avenue was temporarily repaired with filter cloth and crushed stone. We will make the permanent repair in the spring when the culvert can be replaced.
 Began investigating drainage issues located on Simmons Street.
 Worked on Budget.
 Worked on Employee Evaluations.
 Washed fleet trucks.
 New Hires and those involved with volunteers from Bolduc Correctional Facility received volunteer supervisor refresher training.
 Performed wastewater license pretreatment sampling and mailed out for testing.
 Maintained snow dump with bulldozer.
 Ordered Q2N extraction well extension casing from Prock Marine and
coordinated with Rockport Steel to have flange welded on for next landfill lift.
 Began working on tier 2 reporting for Public Services Department.
 Met with Lou Puzzuti, the new DEP Regulatory contact for the Solid Waste Facility.
Lou explained that the DEP wants to finalize the schedule of compliance for the
landfill closure. Much of what will be required has already been addressed. The
schedule of compliance will be tied to the guarantee of the 75% landfill closure
funding reimbursement.

 Processed Real Estate Transfers, updating parcel cards, sales book, and
property splits.
 Processed Personal Property accounts, updating ownership, owned items,
depreciation, State BETR’S 801 returns, BETE exemptions.
 Processed building permits, reviewing, updating property cards and
 Received and reviewed with Dennis abatement requests.
 Basic Vision training with Rockport Assessor.
 Attended discussion on Airbnb, VBRO and Home Away.
 101 Rockland properties for sale as of 2-18-2016;
o Residential 70 4 over $500,000.
o Commercial 10 4 over $500,000.
o Vacant Land 20 0 over $500,000.
o Multi Units 16 0 over $500,000.
 Attended Monthly MidCoast Assessors meeting-speaker, Martin Cates with
an update on the values and selling/buying trends in Waldo, Knox and
Lincoln counties:
o Millennials and Baby Boomers are set to drive the market
o “According to Maine Listings data, sales of single-family existing
homes increased to 10.97 percent when compared to statistics from
2014. The median sales price (MSP) for the 15,672 homes sold last
year was $180,500—a 3.14 percent increase from last year.” Maine
Real Estate Statistics-December 2015 Housing Report-1/22/16.
o Knox county units sold was up 25.23% with a median price of
$183,500 which is lower than 2014 by $5,000.
 Listening and reviewing properties at the property owner’s request.
 Inspection of 115 First St. for abatement request.
 Attended CMAAO meeting-Dealing with Difficult People.

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