
Monday, June 17, 2013

The Rockland Report

 Met with Chair of EDAC and Community Development Director to discuss development issues and communications between the City and the Committee.
 Attended Mid-Coast International Trade Presentation hosted by Allen Agency in Camden. This was a great opportunity to look at the big picture of trade and shipping for the State of Maine.
 Met with Fish Pier Director to discuss access management to address public safety concerns. As more and more people access the pier for non-commercial uses.
 Attended pre-bid construction meeting at Ferry Terminal Park.
 Attended Coast Guard Change of Command ceremony.
 An auction to dispose of abandoned moorings will be held Saturday, June 29, at 11:00 AM at Rockland Harbor Park.
 The contract to provide Stone, Gravel & Loam to the City for FY ‘14 was awarded to George C. Hall & Sons of Rockland.
 The annual Rockland Lobster Boat Races will be held this Sunday off the Rockland Breakwater. Spectator boats will begin rafting at 8:30 AM.
 The 15th Annual Summer Solstice Street Fair will be held Saturday, June 22, from 4:00 to 8:00 PM on Rockland’s Main Street.
 Mulched the shrubs at the Ferry Terminal Park and gardens at City Hall.
 With the assistance from Public Works we were able to remove the unsafe pieces of the skate park. The Fire Department also came down and washed the pad off, and recreation staff rebuilt part of the park, painted the whole park and made repairs. Many thanks to Public Works, Fire Department and Recreation staff for this joint effort and great collaboration.
 We have met with the families that have purchased memorial benches for their family members and confirmed the locations of these donated benches. Public Works will be assisting next week to get the bases set in place.
 Completed a pre-bid walk through for the Ferry Terminal Park.
 Handled 23 different calls, walk-ins and e-mails.
 Handled seven different appointments.
 Updated client files.
 The sixteen communities that are affected by the new EPA combined sewer treatment policy met with DEP in Augusta on Thursday to discuss the new requirements.
 Preparations were made to repair the sewer line at the intersection of Camden and Maverick. Repairs should be completed next week.
 A sewer inspection was completed on Purchase Street and found the clay pipe is cracked in many places, and there are significant cracks and partial cave in where the pipe crosses under the street.
 We received a call Thursday morning to vacuum a manhole and found loose bricks were blocking flow.
 We worked on plant preventative maintenance this week when time allowed. It’s been a busy week dealing with significant wet weather flow at the plant and pump stations.
 A Lindsey Brook e coli sampling round was carried out on Thursday.
The officers responded to 222 calls for service. Rockland Police Officers responded to eight motor vehicle crashes. Twenty one (21) traffic stops and traffic violations were conducted. The officers made multiple arrests of individuals for various offenses, including reckless conduct with a dangerous weapon, domestic violence, criminal mischief, operating after suspension, bail violations, warrant arrests, OUI, and thefts.
 Parking Enforcement Officer Troy Peasley attended the opening ceremonies at the Maine Special Olympics held in Orono. In addition, Officer Peasley participated in the Special Olympics run held in Orono.
 Deputy Chief Tower served on the Personnel Board for the Knox County Sheriff’s Office vacant patrol positions.
 Issued two permits;
o 1 Transient Carrier
o 1 Lobster Vessel
 The F/V Western Sea off loaded 340,000 lbs. of herring.
 The F/V Western Wave off loaded 125,000 lbs. of herring.
 Completed the other four of seven lot storage inspections this week. Three passed and one has a financial discrepancy which must be corrected before a new six month permit is issued.
 Processed real estate transfers from prior months.
 Processed Personal Property declarations that are being returned.
 Reviewed building permits for completion of work done.
 Calculated assessed values on those permits.
 Assisted with and facilitated information for Harbor Trail Commission meeting.
 Along with Assistant City Manager, met with two local businesses requesting applications to regional microloan fund.
 Met with representatives of the Maine Technology Institute to encourage applications from local and regional businesses.
 Coordinating meetings for development of Tillson Avenue as per Waterfront Development plan.
 Attended Economic Development Council of Maine’s annual summer seminar on tourism development in Maine as well as board meeting of same.
 Approved Payroll Warrant.
 Attended Audit Presentation.
 Month end closing of books.
 Reconciliation Work.
 The ACL's Independence came a day earlier than planned to avoid the bad weather at the beginning of the week.
 Spent a fair amount of time worrying about this late spring storm, it came later than usual and was stronger than usual for this time of year, so more boats and floats were in the water.
 Replaced two float hinges broken by the storm. Installed the last of our dock service electrical stanchions.
 Processed two more new mooring permits, and checked on a couple of reports of moorings too close to each other, one had broken its top chain.
 Took a load of supplies out to the Lighthouse for their summer season.
 Had to kick a squatter with a "liveaboard" lobster boat off three moorings and two docks.
 Worked on the Insurance Services Office (ISO) survey.
 FMC has inquired about codes and regulations for changing their parking lot lighting.
 The Code Office received a Home Occupation Level 3 application from a property owner on Cedar Street to have an artist studio in part of their home. The Planning Board will review this application on Tuesday June 18, 2013.
 License inspection was done with the Fire Department at Roselyn Seafood.
 There were four complaints filed this week.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o Eight Building permits
o One Electrical permit
o Two Plumbing permits
o One Sewer Connect permit
o Two Street Excavation permits
 Backfilling with gravel and grading sidewalks on Union Street and Main Street and loaming various areas.
 Setting granite curb on Union Street between School Street and Park Street. Delivered new curb to replace asphalt curb along Union Street at the Orient Street intersection.
 Installing new asphalt on road, along the granite curbing and around the sewer manholes that were adjusted for new pavement.
 Adjusting sewer manholes on Union Street and Main Street in preparation of MDOT paving final coat.
 Set up and took down voting booths/tables/signs for voting at Recreation Center.
 Roadside trash pickup including habitual dump areas off West Meadow Road, Thompson Meadow Road, and Greenhouse Road.
 Mechanics worked on van, 2002 International dump body refurbishing, 2005 GMC ¾ ton brakes, cement trailer tire, and 2007 JD backhoe hydraulic gasket.
 Completed roadside mowing.
 Attended MDOT progress meeting. Lanes Construction is in progress of installing final pavement coat on Main Street from Park Street to the Rankin Block as weather permits.
 Attended Water Company meeting with tenants of University of Maine building for project coordination of new ductile iron pipe to replace old cast iron water main which is scheduled to start at beginning of week.
 Next week we plan to continue adjusting frames and covers, resetting curb and installing pavement along curb on Union Street, installing new granite curb on Claremont Street, backfilling and grading sidewalks, road sweeping, resuming road painting, and roadside mowing including mowing of city properties.
 Public Works installed the bench in front of the Library and chairs in the Children’s Garden.
 We’ve just learned that the Know & Grow program will continue through the summer this year, helping parents complete their GED, by providing a caring, learning environment for their children while they are in class.
 I attended a meeting of the PLEA, and participated in the State Library’s Public Library Directors’ Institute, Looking at the Law.
 Local singer and songwriter Bob Stuart performed at Wednesday Story Time, to a large audience, including those who wandered into the Children’s Room from other parts of the Library, upon hearing the music.
 Who Needs Sleep? was shown as part of the Arts & Cultural Events series on Thursday evening.
City Manager’s Weekly Report
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 SUMMER READING kickoff was held on Saturday; please remember that all ages can (and should) participate. Visit or go online to learn more:
 The Maine State Book Award started this year and it recognizes excellence in fiction published the previous year. Please help make this a success by visiting:
 A heads’ up for next week: At 10:00 am on Wednesday, June 19, Dan O’Connor and Patty King will lead a Library and Local History Tour, sharing with participants the history, art, and architecture of Rockland Public Library; a member of the Rockland Historical Society will join Dan and Patty to share highlights of the collection, which includes Civil War uniforms, weapons, and artifacts, and lime and fishing industry exhibits. This tour was very popular when done two years ago; I hope many readers of this will join us!
In addition to responding to the normal flow of fire and EMS calls, apparatus checks, cleaning, repairs and maintenance to the fleet and cleaning and maintenance of the quarters, the following occurred:
 The Department covered both the Senior Inspiration and Commencement ceremonies for Oceanside (East) High.
 The Department conducted follow-up inspections for Life Safety Code violations and found proper corrective actions to have been taken in all cases.
 The Department assisted with the clean-up and upgrading of the skate park by washing down the concrete slab upon which the park’s components sit.
 The Department is in the midst of its annual driver recertification, which is the focus of current training.
 The Fire Chief met with representatives of Breakwater Marketplace and Maine Water in order to coordinate the shutdown of the sprinkler system during the replacement of the building’s water supply line.
 Replaced the driver side idler on the D5M.
 All self-evaluations have been completed & turned in.
 Cleaned out the recycle building.
 Working on evaluations.
 Cleaned out swap shop.
 Investigated the collection and recycling of antifreeze.
 Cleared path and cleaned out all storm water outfalls.
 Working on replacing the emergency fire hoses in the Recycle Building.
 Completed and submitted the guaranteed annual tonnage (GAT) trading request application.
 Completed the MCEDD Solid Waste Inventory.

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