
Monday, June 10, 2013

The Rockland Report

 The Assistant to the City Manager attended the annual Downtown Conference held this year in Northport and Belfast. The theme of this year’s conference was Green and Healthy Maine Streets: New Economic Vitality for Downtowns!
 Held monthly department head meeting.
 Attended meeting with Community Development Director, Harbor Master, Fish Pier Director and MDOT representative for various grants and funding sources for issues on or near the water.
 Met with the Fire Chief to discuss Rockland ambulance services and related matters.
 Met with the Recreation Director, Knox County Sheriff, Knox County Lieutenant, and Jake Barbour to discuss utilizing inmates to support maintaining flower beds and other landscaping around the city.
 Conducted a site visit with the Code Enforcement Officer of a Summer Street property to inspect sink holes where Lindsey Brook passed underneath this location. We are researching this situation to determine the cause and to take the appropriate action steps necessary to ensure it is properly fixed.
 A request for proposals to construct a park above the Maine State Ferry Service has been issued. Funding for this project is through the City’s 2010 DECD grant for Streetscape improvements.
 We finished the painting on the exterior of the building this week; this has really changed the look of the building. The parapets around the top of the building will be painted this summer, as time permits.
 The swim float mooring was fixed this week. The swim area is now ready for use.
 The summer day camp staff met and cleaned the beach house and kids area this past weekend. They set up the bulletin board for the first week.
 The entrance at City Hall was cleaned- soil turned over and planted this week.
 The picnic table at Warren Street playground has been repaired and placed back at the playground.
 The art group that has been meeting at the Recreation Building on Saturdays will be having a show on Friday June 7th at 5:30pm on the 2nd floor of 407 Main Street.
 Handled 19 different calls, walk-ins and e-mails.
 Handled eight different appointments.
 Updated client files.
 Finished sewer line modifications on Rankin Street. We will complete e-coli testing on Monday to determine if this work impacts bacteria levels in Tributary B.
 The sewer line repair on Camden Street is scheduled for next week.
 We modified the Wet Weather Treatment System effluent sampler suction line in an attempt to improve reliability.
 Repaired the trailer bay air compressor piping this week.
 Chesterton was on site to replace the No. 3 RAS Pump mechanical seal.
 The Environmental Technicians finished their last day of collection system training this week.
 We continue to review our options regarding EPA’s comments on our draft permit. A meeting with DEP is scheduled for next week.
The officers responded to 228 calls for service. Rockland Police Officers responded to 12 motor vehicle crashes. Forty three (43) traffic stops and traffic violations were conducted. The officers made multiple arrests of individuals for various offenses, including bail violations, warrants of arrest, thefts, burglary, criminal trespass, drug possessions and traffic infractions.
 Officers John Bagley, Jacob Shirey and Traffic Officer Troy Peasley ran the Maine Torch Run to benefit Special Olympics (from the Rockport to the Thomaston town lines).
 Sgt. Finnegan provided training to the Rockport Police Department on breath testing instrument updates, and assisted the Maine State Police with a drug recognition evaluation.
 Officer Neal began the two week class for Firearms Instructor Development at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy to fill the firearms instructor vacancy created with the retirement of Officer James Jillson.
 Deputy Chief Tower assisted the Knox County Regional Communications Center as a member of that agency’s oral board.
 Attended City Council agenda setting meeting.
 Attended City Manager’s Department Head meeting.
 Issued two Lobster vessel permits.
 Submitted pier user electric bills to the Finance Department for collection.
 Conducted three of seven lot storage inspections this week. Two passed and one has a few discrepancies to be corrected to conform to the requirements set forth in the permit. All conditions of permit need to be met prior to re-issuing of the lot permit before June 30, 2013.
 Processed Personal Property declarations that are being returned.
 Reviewed building permits for completion of work done.
 Calculated assessed values on those permits.
 Outreach to and followed up with three existing business regarding their operations. In one case provided guidance on financing for expansion of operations, equipment purchasing.
 Continued follow up with potentially two (2) new small businesses in City and financing for both projects.
 Initial outreach to USDA Rural Development regarding potential for new small to medium size loan fund.
 Attend SBA Annual Awards on behalf of the City and for Fiore. While there spoke with Federal Delegation Staff regarding projects in City.
 Followed up with Rockland Main Street Design Committee on the “Signage Plan.”
 Met with Harbor Trail Chair to discuss purchase of signs and focus for committee in coming months.
 Met with staff from Maine DOT along with the City Manager, Harbormaster, and Fish Pier Director regarding funding for Harbor, Harbor Trail, and other projects.
 Reviewed and met with Midcoast Economic Development District on their support for data and analysis of economic base for City as part of community economic development work plan.
 Reviewed and began draft of Tillson Avenue investment opportunity mailing.
 Approved Payroll Warrant.
 Attended Budget Meeting.
 Month end closing of books.
 Reconciliation Work.
 Welcomed the Independence for her first visit of the new season to the Public Landing. It was windy and everything worked just the way it was designed.
 The Maine Maritime Academy's training vessel, the schooner Bowdoin, came to the Public Landing to make some electronics repairs.
 Met with the City Manager, the Fish Pier Director, the Community Development Director and Dan Stewart of the SHIP Grant program to discuss our waterfront projects and grant possibilities.
 Ran a homeland security drill concerning IEDs and small boats at the Public Landing.
 Helped with the installation of the Lighthouse floats. They will still need some work to get the new ones to fit correctly.
 John and six other Board members attended a Local Planning Board & Board of Appeals Workshop sponsored by MMA in Augusta.
 The Planning Board met and reviewed the Change of Use application for 110 Union Street. The Board scheduled a site visit for 110 Union Street. Bar Harbor Bank & Trust withdrew their previously approved Site Plan Application for site alterations.
 License inspections were done with the Fire Department at Duo’s Take Out (again) and at the Berry Manor Inn.
 There were four complaints filed this week.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o Seven Building permits
o Two Electrical permits
o Five Plumbing permits
o Two Sidewalk Display permits
o One Sidewalk Table permit
o Two Sign permits
 Granite curb being reset on Main Street and Union Street. Work includes removing sidewalk, removing and resetting curb to realign, locking in with concrete, backfilling and compacting gravel, and the installation of asphalt binder pavement.
 Resetting approximately 30 sewer manhole frames to final pavement grade.
 Continue trash pickups at various city buildings.
 Roadside mowing including Thomaston Street, Industrial Park, Landfill, Upper Talbot, Upper Rankin, Upper Cedar, Holmes, Old County, Maverick, Lawn Avenue Ext., Mechanic Street, Lovejoy, Valley View, Autumn, and other spot trouble spots.
 Waste oil picked up from Genuine Auto and Transfer Station.
 Cold patching mainly in middle area of city.
 Mechanics repaired 2002 GMC dump body, 1993 Van motor issues, 2008 International truck blower, repaired belt pulley on cement mixer, and landfill Western Star brakes.
 Watered flowers on Park/Main Street Monday and Thursday.
 Scheduled to take down the skate park at the high school this weekend.
 Next week plan to set up voting booths and tables on Monday and take them down and store on Wednesday at Recreation Center; continue with resetting of granite curb on Union Street and sewer manhole adjustments on Main Street and Union Street; grade torn up sidewalks with gravel; MDOT planning on installing final asphalt surface on Main Street from Park Street to Warren Street.
 Although the work was unable to be tested due to chilly weather at the time of repair, the recent work on the AC seems to have been done correctly; the building maintained its “cool” during the recent warmer days; in accordance with our contract, we will have the vendor return to test.
 Eastern Fire performed testing of the Fire Protection system.
 Attended the City Council’s Agenda Setting Meeting, and the monthly Manager’s meeting. Also met with fellow directors from the Camden and Rockport libraries, and attended my first meeting as a member of the Northeastern Maine Library District’s Executive Board.
 Following a power outage in Rockland last week, a patron expressed concern for the staff when such occurs, and came back with LED penlights for each staff member, as well as an accompanying and humorous montage of photos of candle-lit libraries.
 Scottish Deerhound Mo and his handler, Steve Seekins, were back for Wednesday Story Time, to the delight of all.
 A Bothersome Man
 Staff offered a workshop designed to help patrons learn more about finding books, movies & music with was shown as part of the Arts & Cultural Events series on Thursday evening.
Minerva & MaineCat, the statewide library catalogs.
 The Friends of Rockland Public Library held their annual (early) summer Book, Plant, and Bake Sale.
 A heads’ up for next week: An extra-special Wednesday Story Time is planned (10:30), local singer and songwriter Bob Stuart has put out 5 CDs and has a new CD of children’s songs. Stuart will delight families with his songs and banjo and guitar playing. Saturday, June 15 is the kickoff event for Summer Reading, with plenty of activities planned; please mark your calendars now.
In addition to responding to the normal flow of fire and EMS calls, apparatus checks, cleaning, repairs and maintenance to the fleet and cleaning and maintenance of the quarters, the following occurred:
 The Fire Chief and C-shift participated in the training of eight new firefighters from Camden and St. George at the landfill on Sunday. The recruits were schooled in structural fire attack, car fires and propane fires.
 The Department responded to, and extinguished with the assistance of transfer station personnel, an impressive looking fire at the landfill on Wednesday afternoon.
 The Department hung the banner across Main Street advertising the annual lobster boat races.
 The Department participated in Oceanside High’s annual Egg Drop for the physics students.
 The Department began its annual month-long driver training program in order to more safely share the roads with the public.
 We had a garage door company come in to review work that needs to be done on several of the facility garage doors. I also asked for a quote for safety devices to be placed on the doors so they do not close on any person or vehicle.
 The flower garden under the sign was finished.
 Attended a Mid-coast Economic Development District meeting as part of a steering committee reviewing regionalization of Solid Waste.
 At 4:50pm a surface fire was called in to dispatch. The fire was located in the middle of quarry 2 north about 200 feet south of the North end. At 5:10pm the fire department arrived and began placing water on the fire around 5:19pm. The fire was caught early and was not very large but winds out of the south caused it to spread quickly. Once water was applied the fire went out quickly and the fire was extinguished at about 5:45pm. Two Solid Waste operators were on hand to move the debris around so the Fire Department personnel could wet the material to ensure the fire was out. Once the fire was extinguished and cool, clay was applied and a 4 gas meter was used to scan the area to ensure the fire was out. No readings were detected. Cause of the fire is unknown.
 Installed two new tires and new guards on the riding lawn mower.
 Submitted the scheduled maintenance report to CAT.
 Repaired rear axle of Western Star tractor.
 Mowed grass and picked litter.

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