
Monday, March 24, 2014

The Rockland Report March 21, 2014

 No permits were issued this week.
 Met with Lobster Buyers to go over items that are authorized under the Lobster
Buyer Station Permit and when they plan to have bait coolers delivered. The
Lobster Buyers plan on the delivery of rented coolers in late April, early May time
frame. Also discussed what the coolers need to have for electrical requirements in
their particular area.
 Lobster price has dropped under $6.00 a pound.

 Prepared for and participated in Council Workshop on formation of Arts Council.
 Continued to develop application for CDBG Downtown Grant.
 Prepared items and input to March 27 REDAC meeting.
 Spoke at Rockland Kiwanis about Rockland Community Economic Development.
 Prepared initial request for inclusion of Harbor Park and Public Pier in Midcoast
Economic Development District Comprehensive Economic Development
 Continue to develop additional outreach effort for Brownfield Program.
 Update and continue to develop plans for business and investment attraction
 Follow up meetings with three existing firms and “welcome” program for new
business openings.
 Continued coordination of Thorndike Parking Lot project.

 Met with Wright Pierce to discuss the wastewater/stormwater plan and Summer
Street separation project.
 Surveyed and dye tested five basins on Talbot Avenue west of Lincoln Street.
 Met with contractors at 435 Main Street regarding sewer and drain connections.
 Penobscot Company started masonry work on the public restroom project.
 Responded to a complaint of Lindsey Brook flooding at 88 Talbot Avenue.
 Cleaned the storm drain basin and pipe at 12 Fulton Street.
 Completed a Dig Safe check at South School to repair a water main break.
 Reported the Summer Street Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) to DEP.
 Replaced the Gravity Belt Thickener drive motor controller and this corrected the
erratic belt speed issue. We still had a couple kick outs after the controller was
replaced, therefore, we’ll continue to troubleshoot.
 We began ground preparation for the new ferric chloride storage tank. The goal
is to have this on line in early April. The bulk storage tank will provide significant
cost savings vs. the 55 gallons drums we currently receive. City Manager’s

 Processing Real Estate Transfers, updating parcel cards, sales book,
property splits.
 Processing Personal Property accounts, updating ownership, owned items,
depreciation, State BETR’S 801 returns, BETE exemptions.
 Processing building permits, reviewing, updating property cards and
 Analyzing qualified sales of all properties and neighborhoods for a fair and
equitable assessment.
 Completing State forms and returning for processing.
 Listening and reviewing properties at the owner’s request.
 Updating Tax Maps and posting to the web site.

 Cold patching pot holes with one crew on Wednesday and Thursday. Two crews
on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Picked up two loads of cold patch at Lanes.
 City receptacle and building trash pickup for one day. Roadside trash for 2 ½
 Haugland Energy, subcontractor for CMP, will be installing new cross country poles
and transmission lines this year from the Park Street substation to the Old County
Road area. They plan to start gearing up next week and complete with all work
by the end of August. The poles will be taller and the new wires placed higher.
The wires will be upgraded from 13KV to 34.5KV.
 Attended meeting with Gartley/Dorsky engineers and MDOT regional engineer
regarding the MPI paving program for Old County Road.
 Picked up 2008 Tymco street sweeper from O’Haras storage facility. Going over
machine in preparation for spring road sweeping.
 Dug test pits with backhoe for Summit Engineering on the Snow Marine Park boat
 Roadside tree limb trimming for four days.
 Sign repair and maintenance for two days.
 Attended to frost heaves in roadways for one day.
 Worked on ice problems in ditches, culverts, and catch basins for two days.
 Two city wide sanding call-ins, Sunday 3/16 and Thursday night.
 One day reworking sand pile to remove frozen material.
 Mechanics working on several hopper sanders and plow wings, replaced spring in
2007 GMC dump truck, worked on counter weight on 2007 John Deere backhoe,
and street sweeper maintenance.

 First part of the week spent with mooring permits and mooring buoys.
 Wed, Thurs, and Friday spent in Castine at the Maritime Academy at our annual
harbormaster training. Met the usual representatives of state and federal
agencies. The most interesting discussions were on green crabs, coastal flooding
hazards and state permitting.

The officers responded to 170 calls for service. Rockland Police Officers responded to
four motor vehicle crashes. Twenty-five (25) traffic stops and traffic violations were
conducted. The officers made 12 arrests of individuals for various offenses, to include
bail violations, Warrants of Arrest, Bail violations Traffic Offenses, Domestic assault,
Disorderly Conduct, and OUI.
 Officer Joel Neal received the “2014 Caring About Lives in Maine Award” in
Augusta on Friday, March 14. This award is part of the Maine Suicide Prevention
Program through the Maine Center for Disease Control. Officer Neal helped
prevent a Rockland Man from committing “suicide by cop” in August 2013.
Congratulation Officer Neal.
 Parking Enforcement Officer Troy Peasley was working with Community
Development director John Holden on parking and future planning issues on the
Historical Lot on Tillson Ave.
 Officers have been assisting in the training of a new communications officer at
Knox County Communications Center.
 Detectives assisted with a site safety inspection of the Department of Health &
Human Services offices on Camden Street.
 Det. Sgt. Young met with the guidance office at Ocean Side East concerning the
Police Department Scholarship fund. Two Scholarships will be awarded to
deserving seniors this year.

 Participants in Catinka Knoth’s Adult Drawing class concentrated on “St. Patrick’s
Day and Celtic design,” while Children’s drawing classes drew “greens and the
arrival of spring.”
 The Arts...for Kids & their Families at the Rockland Public Library introduced a new
series this week, with Dena Davis leading Family Stories; Families Writing Together.
 We are extremely pleased to have Ben Blackmon back here working part-time,
taking on a number of tasks performed by Dan O’Connor, and generally sharing
the Reference duties.
 Jean Young featured the classic Harold and the Purple Crayon during
Wednesday Storytime, with the added bonus of therapy dogs Maggie and Jinga,
and their handler Steve Seekins. I’ll bet you can guess what the accompanying
craft involved...
 Additionally, The Arts...for Kids & their Families at the Rockland Public Library
continued, with Jess Day’s Movements, Arts, and Literacy, the Introduction to
Musicality (Djembe drums), and with Toy Theaters with Susan Beebe, and a
Saturday matinee of the classic 101 Dalmatians.
 We were advised the Coast Guard was not permitting the ferry out to North
Haven on Thursday, so Jean did not make the weekly trip to the Community
  The Thursday evening Arts & Cultural Event was a slide-talk with Tom Jamrog
sharing his mega-hiking adventures along the Continental Divide National Scenic
 AARP Tax Aide trained volunteers provided income tax preparation on Tuesday
and Saturday.
 The Friends held an end-of-Winter bargain Book and Bake sale.
 Upcoming events of note—Poetry Month Rockland and musical duo Simons &
 Did you know?— Rockland Public Library cardholders have access to over eight
million items – books, audiobooks, movies & music – through the online state-wide
library catalog.

 John attended the Planning Board meeting on 3/18/14. The Board found that the
Site Plan Review Application for CMCA’s new Contemporary Art Center at 21
Winter Street was complete and have scheduled a Public Hearing and Site Visit for
April 1, 2014.
 John and Dave attended an MBOIA Membership/Training Meeting in Old Orchard
Beach 3/20/14.
 There were two complaints filed this week.
 The following permits were received by the Code Office this week:
o 1 Building permit (Change of Use)
o 2 Electrical permits

In addition to responding to the normal flow of fire and EMS calls, apparatus checks,
cleaning, repairs and maintenance to the fleet and cleaning and maintenance of
the quarters, the following occurred:
 The Department provided confined space rescue coverage for FMC.
 A-shift trained on ground-based large caliber water application.
 IV pumps were installed in the rescues per Maine EMS protocol.
 Our aging and soon to be unsupported four-gas meters were placed out of
service until such time as they can be repaired. They have a short remaining
working life so we do not want to spend too much placing these necessary items
back in service.

 Prepared for storm water inspection, picking litter and placing erosion control. The
inspection ended up being canceled by The DEP inspector due to the weather.
The follow up inspection will be next Thursday.
 Repaired the MSW compactor hydraulic piping system.
 We had and unannounced DEP compost inspection. Jim Pollard from MEDEP
looked over our compost operation. The inspection went well, no issues were

 Worked with entire landfill crew to review cell development, waste and cover
placement in preparation for vacation.
 Worked with Woodard & Curran on gas collection project plans.
 Conducted storm water sampling.
 Cleaned transfer station basement.
 In the past two weeks we have had interactions with Inspectors from the Maine
DEP; Air Bureau, Storm Water, Solid Waste, Composting Program and no violations
have been found.

 Girls’ 5th & 6th Basketball tournament starts tonight and continues Saturday.
 On Sunday we will be having a small round robin tournament for our 3rd & 4th
grade boys’ team.
 Last weekend our 3rd & 4th grade girls’ team went to Mussel Ridge and had a
great tournament.
 The roof drain leak appears to be stopped and the rain on Thursday stayed out of
the building.
 John Holden and I are working on a long term plan for the Harbor trail system and
the various parks around the City. All of the city groups will be brought up to
speed and have an opportunity to help develop this plan as we get moving along
with this.

There seems to be a good bit of business activity over the last few months and weeks. I wanted to provide you this update as I will be away March 31 through April 10 and some of that activity will require Council attention. And, in general, it is good to keep all abreast of these activities. 

The following business openings have been noted as part of our “Welcome to Rockland” program. Please note the date of the openings. Details on each are generally being planned and coordinated by me, Sandy Billington, and Robin McIntosh at the Chamber of Commerce. Let me take this time to thank the Chamber for their role in help the City welcome new business. 

March 22 
Ocean State Job Lot; grand opening. I believe the Mayor is aware and the ribbon cutting will be 
at 10:00 AM (arrive at 9:45). Sandy is coordinating RSVP for us (I will be there) 

Play Days
; ribbon cutting. This company has opened but we will have ribbon cutting at 11:30 to celebrate its opening. 

April 1 
Midcoast Blind and Shades
 opening and ribbon cutting. Details still need to be worked out. This company plans to open near the Park Street Grille. 

April 5 
Steel House, Inc.;
 Open House, 1:00-5:00 PM. Steel House is located in the former Bench Dogs 
building on Main Street (just south of US Cellular). It is a collaborative made up of three independent businesses. Each of these is owned by a design-oriented, young entrepreneur. Steel House will offer space to other design, creative economy type businesses. It is a sample of what I believe may be a small but powerful creative and young entrepreneurial spirit or 
“cluster” developing in the City and Midcoast. 

Meeting Weekly Schedule 

Monday, March 24, 2014 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 
4:45 PM Energy Advisory Committee Meeting, Library Board Room 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 
4:30 PM Gateway One Meeting, Council Chambers 

Thursday, March 27, 2014 
4:00 PM EDAC Meeting, Board Room, City Hall 

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